A couple of Gaelic proverbs for you...
(too old to reply)
2004-10-01 21:02:33 UTC
Recently, I'm sorry to say, I've noticed that many of you are getting
bloody slack, so I've gathered together a few Gaelic proverbs from the
bowels of my computer for you to read through and memorise over the
weekend, ready for a stiff test on Monday morning.

If you see duplications, don't panic - just memorize them too.

’S ann air a shon fhèin a nì an cat crònan
It’s for himself that the cat purrs

’S dòcha gun deach am foghlam os cionn Mhic Cruimein
The student bettered the teacher

’S e a’ mhuc shàmhach as motha a dh ’itheas
it's the quiet pig that eats the most
(When the secret culprit is unmasked!)

’S e tìde a dh’innseas
Time will tell

’S e tìde a dh’innseas dè thachras
It’s time that will tell what happens

’S fheàrr a bhith dhìth a chinn na a bhith a dhìth an fhasain
It is better to be without your head than without style

’S fheàrr am bonnach beag le beannachd na am bonnach mòr le mallachd
better the small scone with blessing than the large scone with cursing

’S fheàrr caraid sa chùirt na crùn san sporan
a friend in court is worth more than crowns in the purse

’S fheàrr iasg beag na bhith gun iasg idir
A little fish is better than no fish at all

’S iomadh nì a chailleas fear na h-imrich
Tthe man that flits (moves house) loses much

’S math an sgàthan sùil caraid
A friend's eye is a good mirror

A bheairt sin a bhios cearr,
's e foighidinn is fhear a dheanamh ris.
The loom or engine that has gone wrong,
patience is best for putting it right.

A bhliadhn' is gainne a mhin,
dean fuine mhòr aineamh.
During the year when meal is scarce,
let big bakings be few.

A bhò is miosa th' anns a bhuaile 's is cruaidh ni gèum.
The worst cow in the fold lows the loudest.

A cheud sgeul air fear an taighe is sgeul gu làth' air an aoidh
The first story from the host and tales till morning from the guest

A chuid de Fhlaitheanas dha.
His share of Paradise to him.

A chuir a ruith na cuthaig.
Sent to chase the cuckoo.(a fool's errand)

A 'chungaidh leighis is goirte,'s i
is moth' tha deaneamh feum.
The medicine or liniment that hurts the most
is generally the best healer.

A cur suas inisg, sa bun aig a bhaile.
The reproach getting spread and its root at home.

A ghaoth ag iarraidh na'm port.
The wind seeking the harbours.

A h-uile cù air a chù choimheach.
All dogs down on the strange dog.

A h-uile fear gu blàs fhèin mar a thiurt an daoine
a bha pògadh nam muic
Each to his own taste as the man
who was kissing the pig said

A h-uile rud ach an rud bu chòir.
Everything but the right thing.

A lion beagan is bheagan, mar a dh' ith an cat an sgadan
Little by little, as the cat eats the herring

A mheud 'sa gheibh thu gu math, se'n lughad a gheibh thu de'n olc.
The more you get of what's good, the less you will get of what's bad.

A mire ri cuilein, cha sgur e gus an sgal e.
Playing with a pup ends in a howl.

A' phoit a' tilgeadh air a' choire, gu 'bheil a mhàs dubh
The pot calling the cauldron black

A sgaoladh na'n sguab 's a trusadh na'n siobag.
Scattering the sheaves and gathering the straws.

A' taomadh na mara le cliabh
Bailing the sea with a creel

A’ chlach a thionndaidhear tric, cha tig còinneach oirre
A rolling stone gathers no moss

A’ toirt fiodhrach a Loch Abar
Bringing wood to Lochaber
(whose forests were once famous - taking coals to Newcastle)

Abair ach beagan is abair gu math e
Say but little and say it well

Abair sin, nuair a chaitheas tu cruach mhòine còmhla ris.
Say that, when you have spent a stack of peats along with it.

Adhaircean fada air a chrodh a bhios anns a cheò.
Long horns on the cattle that are seen through the mist.

Air gnothaich na cuthaig.
On the cuckoo's business.

Air rèir do mheas ort fhèin 's ann a mheasas càch thu.
According as thou esteemest thyself, others will esteem thee.

Airde na daileach is isle na h-airde
The highest part of the meadow and the lowest sides of the ridges
(The best arable land)

Aithnichear an leomhan air scriob de iongann,
aithnichear duine air a chuideachd
The lion is known by the scratch of his claw,
a man will be known by his company

Am boll 'air an sgillinn is gun an sgillinn ann.
The boll of meal at a penny and no penny in hand.

Am facal a thig à Ìfrinn - 's e a gheibh, ma 's e 's mo bheir
The message from hell - give to the highest bidder

Am fear a bhios a’ riarachadh na maraig,
bidh an ceann reamhar eige fhèin
The man that divides the pudding
will have the thick end to himself

Am fear a bhios fad’ aig an aiseag,
gheibh e thairis uaireigin
The man who waits long at the ferry
will get over sometime
(Everything comes to he who waits)

Am fear a chaill a nàire is a mhodh, chaill e na bh' aige
The person who lost his propriety and his manners lost all he had

Am fear a gheibh ainm na mocheirich, faoaidh e cadal anmoch
The man who is known as an early riser can sleep late

Am fear a gheibh gach latha bàs, 's e as fhearr a bhitheas beò
The man who finds death each day is the man who lives best

Am fear a ghleidheas a theanga, gleidhidh e a charaid
He who holds his tongue keeps his friend

Am fear a labhras olc mu 'mhnaoi, tha e a cur mì-chliù air fhèin
The man who speaks ill of his wife ruins his own reputation

Am fear a phosas bean posaidh e dragh
He who marries a wife marries trouble

Am fear a tha grad gu gealladh, 's tric leis mealladh
The man who's quick to promise often misleads

Am fear a tha na thamh, tha e na leth-trom an fhearann
He who is idle is a burden on the land

Am fear a thèid a ghnàth a-mach le lìon, gheibh e eòin air uairibh
The man who always goes out with his net will catch birds sometimes

Am fear dan dàn a’chroich, cha tèid gu bràth a bhàthadh
Who is born to be hanged will never be drowned

Am fear is fliuche, rachadh e do'n tobair.
He who is wettest, let him go to the well.

Am fear nach cuir a shnaidhm, caillidh e chiad ghrèim
The man who puts not a knot on his thread loses the first stitch

Am fear nach dèan cur sa Mhàrt, cha bhuain e san Fhoghar
He who will not sow in March will not reap in autumn

Am fear nach gheidh na h-airm 'nam na sìth,
cha bhi iad aige 'n am a chogaidh.
Who keeps not his arms in times of peace,
will have no arms in times of war.

Am fear nach seall roimhe seallaidh e as a dheigh.
He who will not look before him will look behind him.

Am fear, is fhaide chaidh bho'n bhaile,
chual e'n ceòl bu mhilse leis nuair thill e dhachaidh.
Who farthest away e'er did roam
heard the sweetest music on returning home.

Am feur a thig a-mach sa Mhàrt,
thèid e a-staigh sa Ghiblean
March's grass is withered by April
(Don't push - go with the flow)

Am fitheach a dh’èireas moch,
’s ann leis a bhios sùil a’ bheathaich a tha sa pholl
The raven that rises early
gets the eye of the beast (trapped) in the bog

An car a bhios san t-seann mhaide, is deacair a thoirt às
The twist that is in the old stick, is hard to get out

An car a h' anns an t-seana mhaide, is duilich a thoirt as.
Straightening the bend in old wood is a difficult job.

An ceòl air feadh na fìdhle.
The music throughout the fiddle.

An làmb a bheir, ‘s i a gheibh
The hand that gives is the hand that gets

An làmh a bheir, ‘s i a gheibh,
mar a d'thugar do dhroch dhuine
The hand that gives is the hand that gets,
except when given to a bad man

An leanabh a dh'fhàgar dha fhèin,
cuiridh e a mhàthair gu nàire
The child who is left to himself
will bring shame to his mother

An luigh nach fhaighear cha'n ì a chobhras.
The herb that cannot be found will not give relief.

An neach nach cìnn na chadal,
cha chìnn e na dhuisg.
He who will not prosper in his sleep
will not prosper when awake.

An nì a thig leis a’ ghaoith,
falbhaidh e leis an uisge
What comes with the wind
will go with the water

An nì chì na big, ‘s e nì na big
What the little ones see, the little ones do

An ni 's an teid dàil theid dearmaid.
What is delayed will be forgotten.

An ràmh is fhaisg air laimh, iomair leis
The oar that's nearest at hand, row with it

An ràthad fada glan, is an ràthad goirid salach.
The long clean road, and the short dirty road.

An rud a dh'fhalbhas chan e d'fhonis
What is gone, or goes isn't sufficient

An rud a nithear gu math, chithear a bhuil.
What is well done will be shown by results.

An rud a thèid fad o'n t-sùil thèid e fad o'n chrìdhe.
What goes far from the eye will go far from the heart.
(Out of sight out of mind)

An rud a thig gu dona falbhaidh e leis a ghaoith.
What is got by guile will disappear with the wind.

An rud is fhiach a ghabhail, 's fhaich e iarraidh.
If it is worth taking, it is worth asking for.

An rud nach gabh leasachadh,
's fheudar cur suas leis.
What cannot be helped
must be put up with.
(Don't cry over spilt milk)

An triuir nach fuiling an cniodachadh,
seann bhean, cearc, agus caora.
Three that won't bear caressing,
an old woman, a hen, and a sheep.

An turadh, an t-anmoch, am muir-làn, 's an Dòmhnach.
Fair weather, the evening, high water, and the Sabbath.

An uair a chluinneas tu sgeul gun dreach na creid i.
When you hear a tale that is not pleasant, do not believe it.
(Turn a deaf ear to scandal)

An uair a thèid na mèirlich a throd,
thig daoin‘ ionraic gu ‘n cuid fhèin
When thieves dispute,
honest men will get their own

Anail a Ghaidheil, air a mhullach!
The Gael's breathing place - on the summit!

As an teine don ghriasaich
Out of the fire, into the embers, from bad to worse

B' fhearr a bhi gun bhreith na bhi gun teagasg.
Better be without being than without instruction.

B' fhearr gun tòiseachadh na sguir gun chriochnachadh.
Better not to begin than stop without finishing.

B' i sin reul 's an oidhche dhoilleir.
That were a star on a dark night.

B' olc-an-airidh gun deanadh aimsir thioram dolaidh.
'Twere a pity that dry weather should do harm.

Bàs a' chinn-adhairt, bàs do rinn (archaic; two good types of death)
Death in bed (lit. at the bed head),
Death in battle (lit. at the spear point)

Bàthaidh toll beag long mhòr
A little hole will sink a big ship

Bàthaidh uisge teth teine
Hot water will quench fire

Be sin an conadh a chuir do 'n choille.
That were sending fuel to the wood.
(Sending coals to Newcastle)

Be sin ìm a chuir do thaigh àraich.
That were sending butter to the farmhouse.

Beiridh am beag tric air a mhòr ainmig.
The little frequent will overtake the infrequent large.

Beiridh caora dhubh uan geal.
A black ewe may have a white lamb.

Beus na tuath, far am bithear se nithear.
The manners of the folk where thou art thou must adopt
(When in Rome do as the Romans do}

B'fhearr a bhi gun bhreith na bhi gun teagasg
Better be without being than without instruction

B'fhearr gun toiseachadh na sguir gun chriochnachadh
Better not to begin than stop without finishing

Bha iasad ga ghabhail 's
ga thoirt riamh air feadh an t-saoghal.
Borrowing and lending have
always been world-wide habits.

Bheir an èigin air rud-eigin a dheanamh.
Necessity will get something done.
(Necessity is the mother of invention)

Bheir aon fhear each gu uisge
ach cha toir a dhà-dheug air òl.
One man can lead a horse to the water,
but twelve cannot make it drink.

Bheir duine beath' air èigin,
ach cha toir e rath air èigin.
A man may force a livelihood,
but he cannot force fortune.

Bheir duine glic breith bliadhna
air fear na h-aon oidhche
A wise man will form a year's judgement
from one night's knowledge of another man

Bheir eu-dochas misneachd do'n ghealtair.
Desperation will give courage to a coward.

Bheirear comhairle seachad ach cha toirear giùlan.
Council can be given, but not conduct.

Bheirinn cuid-oidhche dha
ged a bhiodh ceann fir fo 'achlais
I would give him food and lodging for the night
even if he had a man's head under his arm

Bhiodh sonas aig an strodhaire
na'm faigheadh e mar a chaitheadh e.
The squanderer would be happy
were he to get as he squandered

Bhith beò beathail ged nach bitheadh tu beò ach leth-uair
To live life to the full, though you would only live a half hour

Bidh an ùbhal ìs fhearr air a' mheangan is àirde.
The best apple will be on the highest bough.

Bidh cron duine cho mòr ri beinn mun lèir dha fhèin e
A man’s fault will be as big as a mountain before he sees it

Bidh mìr a’ ghill’ èasgaidh air gach mèis
The smart fellow’s share is on every dish

Biodh earlas meirleach agad air gach neach,
ach na dean meirleach de neach idir.
Have the caution of a thief about every one,
but make no one a thief.

Bithidh an osnaich dheireanach càidhteach.
The last sigh will be painful.

Bithidh bean-mhuinntir aig an fheannaig 's an Fhoghar.
The crow has her maid-servant at harvest time.

Bithidh cron duine cho mòr ri beinn mas leir dha fhèin e.
A man's faults will be as large as a mountain before he sees them

Bithidh na gabhair bodhair 's an fhoghar.
The goats will be deaf as those who will not hear.

Bithidh sonas an lorg na caitheamh.
Felicity follows generosity.

Bòidheach, cha'n ann dàicheil.
Pretty, not plausible.

Bosd gun chur leis
Pride with nothing to back it up

Brìgh gach cluiche gu dheireadh
The essence of a game is at its end

Brisidh an teanga bhog an cneath.
A smooth tongue will blunt wrath.
(A soft answer turneth away wrath)

Bu cheart cho math leam a bhith a’ sgoltadh bhiorach
I would be just as happy gutting dogfish.
(i.e. I don’t think much of this!)

Bu gheur an cù a bheireadh an t-earball uaithe
Sharp would the dog be that could snatch his tail from him

Bu mhath an sgàthan sùil caraid.
A friend's eye is a good looking-glass.

Bu mhath ìmpidh a choilich mu shiol a thoirt do na cearcan.
Well was the cock's petition for corn for the hens.

Buinidh urram do'n aois.
Honour belongs to old age.

Buntàta pronn us uachdar leotha,
biadh bodaich na h-Àirde
Mashed potatoes and (thick) cream,
the food of the old men of the Aird.

Ceud mìle fàilte.
A hundred thousand welcomes.

Cha b’e là na gaoithe là nan sgolb
The windy day is not the day for thatch-wattles

Cha bhi am bochd-soghail saoibhir.
The luxurious poor will not be rich.

Cha bhi aon duine crionna 'a measg mille amadan.
There will not be one wise man among a thousand fools.

Cha bhi fios aire math an tobair gus an tràigh e
The value of the well is not known until it goes dry

Cha bhi luathas agus grinneas an cuideachd a' cheile.
Quick and fine don't combine.

Cha bhi suaimhneas aig eucoir no seasamh aig droch-bheairt
Wrong will not rest, nor will ill-deed stand

Cha cheòl do dhuin' a bhròn uil' aithris.
It is no music to a man to recite all his woe.

Cha chinn feur air an rathad mhòr
Grass does not grow on the high road

Cha chòir an t-each glan a chur uige
The willing horse should not be spurred

Cha chuirear gad air gealladh.
A promise can never be tied or tethered.

Cha d’ dhùin doras nach d’ fhosgail doras
No door ever closed, but another opened

Cha d’ fhuair sùil ghionach riamh cunnradh math
A covetous eye never got a good bargain

Cha dèan ‘Tapadh leis an fhìdhlear’ am fìdhlear a phàigheadh
A ‘thank you" doesn’t pay the fiddler

Cha dèan aon smeòrach samhradh
One mavis doesn’t make summer

Cha dèan cas làidir nach ith brù mhòr
The strong foot will not find more than the big belly will devour

Cha dèan cat miotagach sealg
A cat in mittens won’t catch mice

Cha dean cridh misgeach breug.
The inebriated heart will not lie.

Cha dèanar sagart gun fhoghlam, ‘s cha dèan foghlam sagart
A priest should be learned, but learning won’t make a priest

Cha deoch-slàint, i gun a tràghadh
It’s no health if the glass is not emptied

Cha do bhris deagh urram ceann duine riamh
agus is mòr-am-beud a bhi uair 's am bith as aonais.
Due civility never broke a man's head
and great the pity to be at any time without it.

Cha do bhris facal math fiacail a-riamh
A good word never broke a tooth

Cha do bhrist fear riamh a bhogha
nach d’fheum fear eile ‘n t-sreang
No man ever broke his bow
but another man found a use for the string

Cha do chuir a ghuallain ris nach do chuir tùr thairis.
None ever set his shoulder to that did not what he sought to do.

Cha d'thug gaol luath, nach d'thug fuath clis.
Quick to love, quick to hate.

Cha mhair a' bhreug ach seal
A lie will not last for long

Cha mhisd’ a’ ghealach na coin a bhith comhartaich rithe
The moon is none the worse for the dogs’ barking at her

Cha mhisde sgeul mhath aithris da nair
A good tale is none the worse for being twice told

Cha 'n aithnich thu duine gus am bi do ghnothaich ris.
You will never know a man until you do business with him.

Cha 'n eil bàs fir gun ghràs fir.
There is no man's death without another man's gain.

Cha 'n eil fealladh ann cho mòr ris an gealladh gun choimhlionadh.
There is no deceit so great as a promise unfulfilled.

Cha 'n eil mòran lochd 's an crìdh a bhios a gabhail òran.
There is not much guile in the heart that is aye singing songs.

Cha 'n eil ùaill an aghaidh tairbh.
Pride is not against profit.

Cha 'n fheum an ti a shealbhaicheas an toradh am blàth a mhilleadh.
He who would enjoy the fruit must not spoil the blossom.

Cha 'n fhiach bròn a ghnàth, 's cha 'n fhiach ceòl a ghnàth.
Sorrowing always is not good, and music mirth always is not good.

Cha 'n fhiach gille gun char gus am bi do ghnothaich ris.
The man without a turn is worthless,
and the man of many turns is worthless (a "twister")

Cha 'n i a mhuc is sàimhche is lugh a dh'itheas de'n drabh.
It is not the quietest sow that eats the least.

Cha 'n uaisle duine na cheird.
No man is above his trade.

Cha nigh na tha de uisge anns a' mhuir ar càirdeas
All the water in the ocean could not wash away our kinship

Cha robh dithis riamh a’ fadadh teine nach do las eatarra
Two never kindled a fire but it lit between them

Cha robh math na olc riamh gun mhnathan uime
There was never good or ill without women being involved in it

Cha robh na sgeulaiche nach robh breugach.
There ne'er was a tale-bearer but was untruthful.

Cha robh naigheachd mhòr riamh nach robh na chall do dhuin'eigin.
There never was great news but was a loss to somebody.

Cha robh Samhradh riamh gun ghrian;
cha robh Geamhradh riamh gun sneachd
There never was a summer without sun;
there never was a winter without snow

Cha sgal cù roimh chnàimh
A dog yells not when hit with a bone

Cha sgeul-rùin e ‘s fios aig triùir air
It’s no secret if three know it

Cha sheas càirdeas air a lèth-chois.
Friendship will not stand on one leg.

Cha shoirbh triubhas a chur air cat
It’s not easy to put trews on a cat

Cha tàinig eun glan riamh à nead a’chlamhainn
A clean bird never came out of a kite’s nest

Cha tèid nì sam bith san dòrn dùinte
Nothing can get into a closed fist

Cha tharraing tu bò an comhair a h-earball
You cannot pull a cow backwards
(There is a natural way with everything)

Cha tig an còta-glas cho math dhan h-uile fear
The grey coat doesn't suit everyone as well
(archaic, said to those who always look good; ironic)

Cha tig as a phoit ach an toit a bhios innte
No fumes from the pot but from what it contains

Cha tig olc à teine
No evil can come out of fire (which purifies)

Cha tig spilgein air fear eiginn
A person in need gets nothing

Cha toir a’ bhòidhchead goil air a’ phoit
Beauty won’t boil the pot

Cha toir am fitheach an t-sùil dha isean fhèin
The raven won’t give the eye (even) to his own chick

Cha toir an uaisle goil air a phoit.
Gentility will not boil the pot.

Cha toir muir no mònadh a chuid bho dhuine sona,
ach cha ghleidh duine dona allt.
Nor main nor mountain can take away from a happy man,
but the unlucky man can't dam a rivulet

Cha tuit caoran à cliabh falamh.
Peats don’t fall from empty creels

Chaidh am foghlam os cionn Mhic Cruimein
The education outstripped MacCrimmon
(the student surpassed the teacher)

Chaidh theabh le creag, is theabh nach deachaidh.
Almost went over a rock and almost didn't.

Chan ann am Bòid uile a tha an t-olc;
tha cuid dheth sa Chumaradh bheag làimh ris
Not all evil is in Bute;
some is in little Cumbrae nearby

Chan ann leis a’ chiad bhuille thuiteas a’ chraobh
It is not with the first stroke that the tree falls

Chan eil air a' chruadal ach cruadhachadh ris
The only remedy for hardship is to harden to it

Chan eil air an duine sona ach a bhreith agus àrach
The contented person has no needs but to be born and brought up

Chan eil an t-each air coingheall sgìth gu bràth
The borrowed horse is never tired
(my Nova Scotian wife's favourite saying to me)

Chan eil bàs ach ruaig
There is no death but defeat

Chan eil bàs duine gun ghràs duine
No man’s death is without grace

Chan eil deathach an taigh na h-uiseig
There is no smoke in a lark’s house

Chan eil fealladh ann cho mòr ris an gealladh gun choimhlionadh
There is no deceit so great as a promise unfullfilled

Chan eil port an asgaidh ann, mar a thuirt an seann chlàrsair
There’s no free tune, as the old harper said

Chan eil saoi air nach laigh leòn
No hero is proof against injury

Chan eil saoi gun choimeas
There is no hero without compare

Chan fhiach bròn a ghnàth,
's chan fhiach ceòl a ghnàth
Sorrowing always is not good,
and music (mirth) always is not good

Chan fhiach cuirm gun a còmhradh
A feast is no use without good conversation

Chan fhiach gille gun char,
's chan fhiach gille nan car
The man without a turn is worthless
and the man of many turns is worthless
(A man of many turns is a way to say 'a cheat')

Chan i bhò ‘s àirde geum as mò bainne
The loudest cow is not the best milker

Chan iongnadh boladh nan sgadan a bhith
den t-soitheach sam bi iad
No wonder the vessel smells
of the herrings that it holds

Cho dall ri damh ann an ceò
As blind as an ox in mist

Cho gòrach ris na h-eòin
As thoughtless as the birds
(said of children)

Cho làidir ri Cuchulainn.
As strong as Cuchulainn.

Cho marbh ri sgadan
As dead as a herring

Cluinnidh am bodhar fuaim an airgead.
The deaf will hear the clink of money.

Coin bhadhail is clann dhaoin eile!
Stray dogs and other people's children!

Coisich gu dìreach, a mhic,
mar a thuirt an seann phartan ris a’ phartan òg
Walk straight, son,
as the old crab said to the young one
(do as I say, not as I do)

Cruaidh mar an fhraoch is buan mar a’ ghiuthas
Hard as the heather, lasting as the pine

Cuimhnichibh air na daoine bho 'n d' thainig sibh
Remember the people from whom you come
(seen on gravestones)

Cùm do chù ri leigeadh
Hold back your dog till the deer falls

Dèan maorach fhad ‘s a bhios an tràigh ann
Dig your bait while the tide is out

Dùnan math innearach, màthair na ciste-mine
A good dungheap is mother to the meal chest

Eallach mòr an duine leisg
The lazy man finds all burdens heavy.

Eiridh tonn air uisge balbh
A wave will rise on quiet water

Fada bhon t-sùil, fada bhon chridhe
Far from the eye, far from the heart

Fainne mun mheur's gun snàithne mun mhàs
A ring around the finger and not a stitch about the bum

Faodaidh fearg sealltainn a stigh air cridh an duine ghlic
ach còmhnaichidh i an cridh an amadain
Anger may look in on a wise man's heart
but it abides in the heart of a fool

Faodar an t-òr fhèin a cheannach tuille is daor
Gold itself may be too dearly bought

Far am bi bò, bidh bean,
is far am bi bean bidh buaireadh
Where you find a cow you find a woman,
and where there is a woman there is trouble

Far am bi fearg bidh bruidhinn,
is às a' bhruidhinn thig tuasaid!
Where there is anger there are words
and where there are words there is a brawl!

Far an taine ‘n abhainn, ‘s ann as mò a fuaim
Where the stream is shallowest, it is noisiest

Fear gu aois, is bean gu bàs
A son is a son until he comes of age;
a daughter is a daughter all her life

Fear sam bith a loisgeas a mhàs,
‘s e fhèin a dh’fheumas suidhe air
Whoever burns his backside
must himself sit upon it
(Constantly said by my Nova Scotian wife to our kids!)

Feuch gu bheil do theallach fh?in sguaibte,
ma's tog thu luath do choimhearsnaich
See that your own hearth is swept
before you lift your neighbour's ashes

Feumaidh an talamh a chuid fhèin
The earth (ie, the grave) will get its share

Fuil gu fichead, comhdhaltas gu ceud
Blood to the twentieth (degree),
fosterage to the hundredth

(An old Highland custom was to exchange children for a
few years top enhance friendship bonds. A foster brother
was considered far closer and therefore owed more
obligation than a blood brother)

Furain an t-aoigh a thig, greas an t-aoigh tha falbh
Welcome the coming, speed the parting guest

Gabhaidh an connadh fliuch, ach cha ghabh a’ chlach
Wet fuel may kindle, but a stone never will

Gabhaidh fear na sròine mòire a h-uile rud ga ionnsaigh fhèin
The man with a big nose thinks everyone talks of it

Gach cùis gu cùmhnant
Let every business be done by agreement

Gach madadh air a’ mhadadh choimheach
Every dog sets upon the stranger dog

Ge b’e thig gun chuireadh, suidhidh e gun iarraidh
Who comes uninvited will sit down unbidden

Ge milis a’ mhil, cò dh’imlicheadh o bhàrr dri i?
Honey may be sweet, but who licks it off a briar?

Ge milis am fìon, tha e searbh ri dhìol
The wine is sweet, the paying bitter

Gealladh gun a'choimhghealladh,
is miosa sin na dhiultadh
Promising but not fulfilling
is worse than refusing

Ged a chuireadh tu an t-amadan ann an amar-bruthaidh,
cha dhealaich amaideas ris
Although you would put the fool into a wine press,
foolishness will not part from him

Ged bheir thu bean o Ifrinn,
bheir i dhachaigh thu
Though you should take a wife from Hell,
yet she will bring you home

Ged dh'eignichear an seanfhacal,
cha breugaichear e
Though the old saying be strained,
it can not be belied

Ged 's fhada a-muigh Barraigh, ruigear i
Although Barra is far out, it can be reached

Gheibh as t-uaibhreach leigeadh an uair airde e
The proud will be humbled at their highest

Gheibh cearc an sgrìobain rudeigin,
is chan fhaigh cearc a’ chrùbain dad idir
The scraping hen will find something,
but the creeping hen will find nothing

Gheibh faidhidinn furstachd
Patience will get relief or reward

Gluais faicilleach le cupan làn
Go carefully with a full cup.

Guma fada beò thu is ceò as do thaigh!
May you be alive long and smoke from (the top of) your house

Gus an tràighear a' mhuir le cliabh,
cha bhi fear fial falamh
Until the ocean is emptied with a basket,
the generous man will never be empty-handed

Iallan fada a leathair duin eile
Long laces from another man’s leather.
(Taking advantage of another)

Is ann air each èasgaidh a leigear an t-uallach
It is on the willing horse that the burden is laid

Is ann an ceann bliadhna a dh’innseas iasgair a thuiteamas
It is at the year’s end that the fisher can tell his luck

Is ann den aon chlò an cathdath
The tartan is all of the one stuff

Is àrd ceann an fhèidh sa chreachann
Lofty is the deer’s head on the top of the mountain

Is bean-taighe ‘n luchag air a taigh fhèin
The mouse is mistress in her own house

Is buidhe le amadain imrich
Fools are fond of flitting
(this idiomatic use of buidhe crops up elsewhere in Gaelic)

Is coma le fear nam bròg càite an cuir e a chas
The shod man cares not where he puts his foot

Is coma leis an rìgh Eoghain,
ach is coma le Eoghain co-dhiù
The king doesn’t like Ewen,
but Ewen couldn’t care less

Is diù nach gabh comhairle,
agus is diù a ghabhas a h-uile comhairle
He is foolish who won't take advice,
and he is foolish who takes all advice

Is e ‘n t-ionnsachadh òg an t-ionnsachadh bòidheach
The learning in youth is the pretty learning

Is e rìgh nan uamhas am bàs
Death is the king of terrors

Is fad’ an oidhche gu latha do dh’fhear na droch mhnatha
The night is long for the husband of a bad wife

Is fheàrr a’ bhloigh bheag le beannachd
na a’ bhloigh mhòr le mollachd
The little thing with a blessing is better
than the large one with a curse

Is fheàrr bloigh bheag le bheannachd,
na bloigh mòr le mallachd
Better a small portion with a blessing
than a large portion with a cursing

Is fheàrr caraid ’s a chùirt
na crùn ’s a sporan
Better a friend at court
than a crown (five shillings) in the purse
(Scots Gaelic)

Is feárr carad ’s a g-cúirt
’na bonn sa sparán
Better a friend at court
than a halfpenny in the purse
(Irish Gaelic)

Is fheàrr còmhairl na thrath na tiodhlac fadalach
Timely advice is better than a late gift

Is fheàrr na'n t-òr sgeul air inns' air chòir
Better than gold is the tale well told

Is fheàrr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach
Better a good retreat than a bad stand

Is fheàrr teine beag a gharas
na teine mòr a loisgeas
The little fire that warms is
better than the big fire that burns

Is furasda dh'an fhear eisdeachd beum
a thoar dh'an fhear labhairt.
It is easy for the listening man
to give taunt to the speaking man

Is i mhàthair bhrisg a nì ‘n nighean leisg
The active mother makes the lazy daughter

Is ioma nì a chailleas fear na h-imrich
Many a thing drops from the man who often flits
("to flit" - Scots for "to move house")

Is ladarna gach cù air a shitig fhèin
Every dog is bold on his own midden

Is luath fear doimeig air fàire,
latha fuar earraich
Swift is the slut’s husband over the hill,
on a bleak day in Spring

Is luath fear na droch mhnatha
air a mhachair Uibhistich
Fast goes the man of the thriftless wife
upon the Uist machair
(for she clothes him badly)

Is math an còcaire an tacras
Hunger is a good cook

Is math an sgàthan sùil caraide
A friend’s eye is a good looking-glass

Is minig a bha 'n donas daicheil
The Devil is often attractive

Is minig a thàinig comhairle ghlic à ceann amadain
It is often that wise counsel came from a fool’s head

Is miosa seo nan t-alum!
This is worse than the alum
(said of a food or drink with an exceptionally bad flavour)

Is mò làn do shùla na làn do bhroinn
Your eyes are bigger than your tummy
(nominative of broinn is "brù")

Is mór stàth na h-Àirde do Mhac Shimidh
Lord Lovat benefits greatly from the Aird

Is obair-là duine a thiodhlacadh
It’s a day’s work to bury a man

Is sleamhainn leac doras an taigh mhòir
The chief’s house has a slippery doorstep

Is treasa dithis a’ dol thar àn àtha na fad’ o chèile
Two should stay together when crossing a ford

Is truagh a’ bhantrach a’ phiob
Poor is the bagpipe when widowed

Is uaisle am breid na toll
A patch is better than a hole

Is ùrachadh atharrachadh
Change is refreshing (a change is as good as a rest)

Lean gu dlùth ri cliù do shinnsre
Follow closely to the reputation of your ancestors

Luathaid gu deanamh maille
Too much rush causes delay

Mol an latha math mu oidhche
Praise the good day at the close of it

Mollaidh an t-each math e fhein
The good horse will praise itself

Na biasta beag a deanamh mar dh'fhaodas iad;
na biasta mor ag itheadh nam biasta beag
The little beasts doing as best they may;
the big beasts eating the little beasts

Na las sop nach urrainn duit féin a chuir as
Do not light a fire that you cannot yourself put out

Na sir 's na seachainn an cath
Neither seek nor shun the fight

Na tog mi gus an tuit mi
Don't lift me up until I fall

Na toilich do mhiann gus am feuch thu do sporan
Check your purse before you please yourself

Na toir bó á Paibeil 's na toir bean á Boighreigh (Uist)
Don't take a cow from Paible or a wife from Boreray

Nach gul i seachd uairean mus ruith an t-earrach
She will lament seven times before the spring is over
(don't be in a rush to get things done)

Nas fheàrr Gàidhlig briste na Beurla cliste
Better broken Gaelic than nimble English

Nì an imrich thric an àirneis lom
Frequent flitting bares the furnishing

Nì òigear leisg bodach brisg
A lazy youth will make an active old man

Nuair a thig Rocabarra ris,
is dual gun tèid an saoghal a sgrios
When Rocabarra appears again,
the world is doomed to destruction
(Rockabarra is an island that will
rise from the ocean one day)

Nuair as teinne an taod,
's ann as dualtaiche dha bhriseadh
When the rope is at its tightest,
it is most likely to break
(Relates to personal stress)

Nuair is mo a fhuair mi,
'sann is lugha bha agam
The more I got, the less I had

Rud nach cluin cluas cha ghluais cridhe
That which the ear doesn't hear won't stir the heart

Rud nach fhaic sùil, cha gluais e chridhe
Out of sight, out of mind (lit. out of heart)

Ruigidh an ro-ghiullachd air an ro-ghalar
The best of nursing may overcome the worst disease

Ruigidh each mall muileann,
ach feumaidh fear fuireach a bhriseas a chas
A slow horse will reach the mill,
but the one that breaks his leg must stay where he is

'S ann an àiteachan eile a gheibh sibh lorg air ar caraidean
It's in strange places that we find our friends

'S e ‘n t-ionnsachadh òg an t-ionnsachadh bòidheach
The learning in youth is the pretty learning

Saoilidh an duin’ air mhisg gum bi a h-uile duin’ air mhisg ach e
The drunk man thinks himself the only one sober

Seachnaidh duin’ a bhràthair, ach cha sheachain e choimh-earsnach
A man may do without a brother, but not without a neighbour

Seòladair an Acha Mhóir
An Achmore sailor (Someone not up to the job)
(Achmore is an inland area of the Isle of Lewis)

Socraichidh am pòsadh an gaol
Love is soon cooled by marriage

Suirghe cein is posadh am bun na h-ursainn
Distant courting, and marrying close at hand (at the door posts)

Suirghe fada bhon taigh, ‘s pòsadh am bun an dorais
Go courting afar, but marry next door

Sùrd le Suaineart! Chaidh Àird nam Murchan a dholaidh!
Let Sunart rejoice! Ardnamurchan has been ruined!
(Ard nam murchan = "Headland of the sea hounds")

Tachraidh na daoine, ach cha tachair na cnuic
Men will meet, but the hills will not

Tagh do chomhluadar ma'n tagh thu do dheoch
Choose your company before you choose your drink

Tart an dèidh an òil, bròn an dèidh an airgid
Thirst after drinking, sorrow after money
(ie riches - nothing lasts for ever…

Teagasg ga thoirt do mhnaoi bhuirb, mar bhuille ùird air iarunn fuar
Scolding a scold is like hammering cold iron

Teine chaoran is gaol ghiullan - cha do mhair iad fada riamh
A fire of broken peat, and a boy’s love do not last

"Tha biodh is ceol an seo!" mar a thuirt a madadh ruadh, 's e ruith
air falbh leis a phiob.
"Here's both meat and music!" as the fox said when he ran away with
the bagpipes.

Tha a mheòir as dèidh na sgait
His fingers are after the skate
(the skate's flesh makes your fingers sticky)
(a bad piper - his fingers stick to the chanter)

Tha iomadh doigh air cu a mharbhadh gun a thachadh le im
There are many ways of killing a dog besides choking him with butter.

Tha iongantas air a chat earball a bhith air
The cat wonders at its own tail

Theid a t-anfhann dichiollach thar an laidir leisg
The diligent weak will triumph over the lazy strong

Theid duine gu bàs air sgàth an nàire
A man will die to save his honour

Thig an t-acras nas trice na aon uair
Hunger comes more than once
(things that are bound to repeat themselves, repeat themselves)

Thig crioch air an saoghal, ach mairidh gaol is ceòl
The world will pass away, but love and music will endure

Thig trì rudan gun iarraidh – an t-eagal, an t-eud ’s an gaol
Three things come without seeking – fear, jealousy and love.

Triùir a thig gun iarraidh – gaol, eud is eagal
Three that come unbidden – love, jealousy and fear

Gaoth ron aiteamh,
gaoth tro tholl,
’s gaoth nan long a tha a’ dol fo sheòl
Na trì gaothan a b’ fhuaire a dh’fhairich Fionn a-riamh

Wind before a thaw,
wind through a hole
and the wind of a ship when hoisting sail
The three coldest winds Fionn (MacCumhail/McCool, the ancient Gaelic
hero) ever felt

Fithich dubha Mhilifiach,
piatan Cnoc Bhàin,
faoileagan a' Chluain,
ruadh-chearcan Baile an Thodair,
cabair fhada a' Chonfhadhaich,
gearran beaga Baile a' Chonais

Black ravens from Milifiach,
pet lambs from Knockbain,
gulls from Clune,
red hens from Balintore,
long poles from Convinth,
little hares from Balconish

Bior a d'dhorn na fàisg,
easbhuidheachd ri d' nàmhaid na ruisg
Ri gearradh-sgian a d' fheol na èisd,
beisd nimheil ri d' bheò na duisg
A thorn in thy grasp, do not squeeze,
thy wants to thine enemy do not bare
The dagger's point to thy flesh do not hear,
a venomous reptile do not rouse

Cur is cathadh am Bealach Dearg, sneachd is reòthadh an Càrn a' Bhalg,
Cùl ri gaoith air Làirig Bhealaich, grian gheal am Maoilinn
Drifts and storms at Bealach Dearg, snow and frost at the Cairnwell
Back to the wind at Làirig Bhealaich, bright sun at Moulin

Cha do bhris deagh urram ceann duine riamh
Agus is mòr-am-beud a bhi uair 's am bith as aonais
Due civility never broke a man's head
And great the pity to be at any time without it

Bracaist am Baile Chloichrìgh
Lunch an Dail na Ceàrdaich
Dìnneir an Dail Chuinnidh
is a' bhanais ann an Ràt

Breakfast at Pitlochry
Lunch in Dalnacardoch
Dinner in Dalwhinnie
And the wedding in Raitts!
(A day's coaching trip from Atholl to Badenoch)

Tha cóig bothan an Loch Abar,
cóig gasgan ann am Bàideanach 's
cóig cóigean ann an Srath Éireann
There are five boths in Lochaber,
five gasgs in Badenoch and
five cóigs in Strathdearn.

The five coigs in Strathdearn are
Cóig na Sìthe,
Cóig a' Mhuilinn and
Cóig nam Fionndaraich

The five boths in Lochaber are
Both Chàsgaidh and
Both Lugha

Does anyone know the five gasgs in Badenoch?

Tha còig còigimh an Eirinn,
agus tha còig còigimh an Srath Eireann,
ach is fheàrr aon chòigeamh na h-Eireann
na còig còigimh Srath Eireann
There are five fifths in Ireland
and five fifths in Strathdearn (Ireland’s Strath),
but better is one-fifth of Ireland
than the five fifths of Strathdearn

Tha taobh dubh is taobh bàn air,
mar a bh' air bàta Mhic Iain Gheàrr
He has a black side and a white side
like the boat of the son of John Kerr
(Mac Iain Gheàrr, or John Kerr's son in *nglish was a Hebridean pirate
whose galley was black on one side and white on the other, so that it
would be mistaken for another boat when returning from pirating.)

An uair a bhios sinn ri òrach,
bidheadhmaid ri òrach
'S nuair a bhios sinn ri maorach,
bidheadhmaid ri maorach
When we are seeking gold in abundance,
let us be seeking gold in abundance;
And when we are seeking bait,
let us be seeking bait

Balach, is balgaire tighearna,
dithis nach còir a leigeil leòtha.
Buail am balach air a charbad,
is buail am balgair air a shròin.
A conceited fellow and a laird's tyke,
two who should not be allowed their own way.
Strike the knave on the neck, and knock the tyke on the nose.

Cha 'n eil mi nam sgoileir,
's cha 'n àill leam a bhi,
Ma 'n d'thuairt a mhadadh-ruadh
ris a mhadadh-allaidh.
I am not a scholar, and don't wish to be.
As the fox said to the wolf.

Ith aran, sniamh muran is bi thu am bliadhn' mar bha thu'n uraidh
Eat bread and twist bent and thou this year shalt be as thou wert last

2018-01-16 02:11:35 UTC
Post by Michilín
Recently, I'm sorry to say, I've noticed that many of you are getting
bloody slack, so I've gathered together a few Gaelic proverbs from the
bowels of my computer for you to read through and memorise over the
weekend, ready for a stiff test on Monday morning.
If you see duplications, don't panic - just memorize them too.
’S ann air a shon fhèin a nì an cat crònan
It’s for himself that the cat purrs
’S dòcha gun deach am foghlam os cionn Mhic Cruimein
The student bettered the teacher
’S e a’ mhuc shàmhach as motha a dh ’itheas
it's the quiet pig that eats the most
(When the secret culprit is unmasked!)
’S e tìde a dh’innseas
Time will tell
’S e tìde a dh’innseas dè thachras
It’s time that will tell what happens
’S fheàrr a bhith dhìth a chinn na a bhith a dhìth an fhasain
It is better to be without your head than without style
’S fheàrr am bonnach beag le beannachd na am bonnach mòr le mallachd
better the small scone with blessing than the large scone with cursing
’S fheàrr caraid sa chùirt na crùn san sporan
a friend in court is worth more than crowns in the purse
’S fheàrr iasg beag na bhith gun iasg idir
A little fish is better than no fish at all
’S iomadh nì a chailleas fear na h-imrich
Tthe man that flits (moves house) loses much
’S math an sgàthan sùil caraid
A friend's eye is a good mirror
A bheairt sin a bhios cearr,
's e foighidinn is fhear a dheanamh ris.
The loom or engine that has gone wrong,
patience is best for putting it right.
A bhliadhn' is gainne a mhin,
dean fuine mhòr aineamh.
During the year when meal is scarce,
let big bakings be few.
A bhò is miosa th' anns a bhuaile 's is cruaidh ni gèum.
The worst cow in the fold lows the loudest.
A cheud sgeul air fear an taighe is sgeul gu làth' air an aoidh
The first story from the host and tales till morning from the guest
A chuid de Fhlaitheanas dha.
His share of Paradise to him.
A chuir a ruith na cuthaig.
Sent to chase the cuckoo.(a fool's errand)
A 'chungaidh leighis is goirte,'s i
is moth' tha deaneamh feum.
The medicine or liniment that hurts the most
is generally the best healer.
A cur suas inisg, sa bun aig a bhaile.
The reproach getting spread and its root at home.
A ghaoth ag iarraidh na'm port.
The wind seeking the harbours.
A h-uile cù air a chù choimheach.
All dogs down on the strange dog.
A h-uile fear gu blàs fhèin mar a thiurt an daoine
a bha pògadh nam muic
Each to his own taste as the man
who was kissing the pig said
A h-uile rud ach an rud bu chòir.
Everything but the right thing.
A lion beagan is bheagan, mar a dh' ith an cat an sgadan
Little by little, as the cat eats the herring
A mheud 'sa gheibh thu gu math, se'n lughad a gheibh thu de'n olc.
The more you get of what's good, the less you will get of what's bad.
A mire ri cuilein, cha sgur e gus an sgal e.
Playing with a pup ends in a howl.
A' phoit a' tilgeadh air a' choire, gu 'bheil a mhàs dubh
The pot calling the cauldron black
A sgaoladh na'n sguab 's a trusadh na'n siobag.
Scattering the sheaves and gathering the straws.
A' taomadh na mara le cliabh
Bailing the sea with a creel
A’ chlach a thionndaidhear tric, cha tig còinneach oirre
A rolling stone gathers no moss
A’ toirt fiodhrach a Loch Abar
Bringing wood to Lochaber
(whose forests were once famous - taking coals to Newcastle)
Abair ach beagan is abair gu math e
Say but little and say it well
Abair sin, nuair a chaitheas tu cruach mhòine còmhla ris.
Say that, when you have spent a stack of peats along with it.
Adhaircean fada air a chrodh a bhios anns a cheò.
Long horns on the cattle that are seen through the mist.
Air gnothaich na cuthaig.
On the cuckoo's business.
Air rèir do mheas ort fhèin 's ann a mheasas càch thu.
According as thou esteemest thyself, others will esteem thee.
Airde na daileach is isle na h-airde
The highest part of the meadow and the lowest sides of the ridges
(The best arable land)
Aithnichear an leomhan air scriob de iongann,
aithnichear duine air a chuideachd
The lion is known by the scratch of his claw,
a man will be known by his company
Am boll 'air an sgillinn is gun an sgillinn ann.
The boll of meal at a penny and no penny in hand.
Am facal a thig à Ìfrinn - 's e a gheibh, ma 's e 's mo bheir
The message from hell - give to the highest bidder
Am fear a bhios a’ riarachadh na maraig,
bidh an ceann reamhar eige fhèin
The man that divides the pudding
will have the thick end to himself
Am fear a bhios fad’ aig an aiseag,
gheibh e thairis uaireigin
The man who waits long at the ferry
will get over sometime
(Everything comes to he who waits)
Am fear a chaill a nàire is a mhodh, chaill e na bh' aige
The person who lost his propriety and his manners lost all he had
Am fear a gheibh ainm na mocheirich, faoaidh e cadal anmoch
The man who is known as an early riser can sleep late
Am fear a gheibh gach latha bàs, 's e as fhearr a bhitheas beò
The man who finds death each day is the man who lives best
Am fear a ghleidheas a theanga, gleidhidh e a charaid
He who holds his tongue keeps his friend
Am fear a labhras olc mu 'mhnaoi, tha e a cur mì-chliù air fhèin
The man who speaks ill of his wife ruins his own reputation
Am fear a phosas bean posaidh e dragh
He who marries a wife marries trouble
Am fear a tha grad gu gealladh, 's tric leis mealladh
The man who's quick to promise often misleads
Am fear a tha na thamh, tha e na leth-trom an fhearann
He who is idle is a burden on the land
Am fear a thèid a ghnàth a-mach le lìon, gheibh e eòin air uairibh
The man who always goes out with his net will catch birds sometimes
Am fear dan dàn a’chroich, cha tèid gu bràth a bhàthadh
Who is born to be hanged will never be drowned
Am fear is fliuche, rachadh e do'n tobair.
He who is wettest, let him go to the well.
Am fear nach cuir a shnaidhm, caillidh e chiad ghrèim
The man who puts not a knot on his thread loses the first stitch
Am fear nach dèan cur sa Mhàrt, cha bhuain e san Fhoghar
He who will not sow in March will not reap in autumn
Am fear nach gheidh na h-airm 'nam na sìth,
cha bhi iad aige 'n am a chogaidh.
Who keeps not his arms in times of peace,
will have no arms in times of war.
Am fear nach seall roimhe seallaidh e as a dheigh.
He who will not look before him will look behind him.
Am fear, is fhaide chaidh bho'n bhaile,
chual e'n ceòl bu mhilse leis nuair thill e dhachaidh.
Who farthest away e'er did roam
heard the sweetest music on returning home.
Am feur a thig a-mach sa Mhàrt,
thèid e a-staigh sa Ghiblean
March's grass is withered by April
(Don't push - go with the flow)
Am fitheach a dh’èireas moch,
’s ann leis a bhios sùil a’ bheathaich a tha sa pholl
The raven that rises early
gets the eye of the beast (trapped) in the bog
An car a bhios san t-seann mhaide, is deacair a thoirt às
The twist that is in the old stick, is hard to get out
An car a h' anns an t-seana mhaide, is duilich a thoirt as.
Straightening the bend in old wood is a difficult job.
An ceòl air feadh na fìdhle.
The music throughout the fiddle.
An làmb a bheir, ‘s i a gheibh
The hand that gives is the hand that gets
An làmh a bheir, ‘s i a gheibh,
mar a d'thugar do dhroch dhuine
The hand that gives is the hand that gets,
except when given to a bad man
An leanabh a dh'fhàgar dha fhèin,
cuiridh e a mhàthair gu nàire
The child who is left to himself
will bring shame to his mother
An luigh nach fhaighear cha'n ì a chobhras.
The herb that cannot be found will not give relief.
An neach nach cìnn na chadal,
cha chìnn e na dhuisg.
He who will not prosper in his sleep
will not prosper when awake.
An nì a thig leis a’ ghaoith,
falbhaidh e leis an uisge
What comes with the wind
will go with the water
An nì chì na big, ‘s e nì na big
What the little ones see, the little ones do
An ni 's an teid dàil theid dearmaid.
What is delayed will be forgotten.
An ràmh is fhaisg air laimh, iomair leis
The oar that's nearest at hand, row with it
An ràthad fada glan, is an ràthad goirid salach.
The long clean road, and the short dirty road.
An rud a dh'fhalbhas chan e d'fhonis
What is gone, or goes isn't sufficient
An rud a nithear gu math, chithear a bhuil.
What is well done will be shown by results.
An rud a thèid fad o'n t-sùil thèid e fad o'n chrìdhe.
What goes far from the eye will go far from the heart.
(Out of sight out of mind)
An rud a thig gu dona falbhaidh e leis a ghaoith.
What is got by guile will disappear with the wind.
An rud is fhiach a ghabhail, 's fhaich e iarraidh.
If it is worth taking, it is worth asking for.
An rud nach gabh leasachadh,
's fheudar cur suas leis.
What cannot be helped
must be put up with.
(Don't cry over spilt milk)
An triuir nach fuiling an cniodachadh,
seann bhean, cearc, agus caora.
Three that won't bear caressing,
an old woman, a hen, and a sheep.
An turadh, an t-anmoch, am muir-làn, 's an Dòmhnach.
Fair weather, the evening, high water, and the Sabbath.
An uair a chluinneas tu sgeul gun dreach na creid i.
When you hear a tale that is not pleasant, do not believe it.
(Turn a deaf ear to scandal)
An uair a thèid na mèirlich a throd,
thig daoin‘ ionraic gu ‘n cuid fhèin
When thieves dispute,
honest men will get their own
Anail a Ghaidheil, air a mhullach!
The Gael's breathing place - on the summit!
As an teine don ghriasaich
Out of the fire, into the embers, from bad to worse
B' fhearr a bhi gun bhreith na bhi gun teagasg.
Better be without being than without instruction.
B' fhearr gun tòiseachadh na sguir gun chriochnachadh.
Better not to begin than stop without finishing.
B' i sin reul 's an oidhche dhoilleir.
That were a star on a dark night.
B' olc-an-airidh gun deanadh aimsir thioram dolaidh.
'Twere a pity that dry weather should do harm.
Bàs a' chinn-adhairt, bàs do rinn (archaic; two good types of death)
Death in bed (lit. at the bed head),
Death in battle (lit. at the spear point)
Bàthaidh toll beag long mhòr
A little hole will sink a big ship
Bàthaidh uisge teth teine
Hot water will quench fire
Be sin an conadh a chuir do 'n choille.
That were sending fuel to the wood.
(Sending coals to Newcastle)
Be sin ìm a chuir do thaigh àraich.
That were sending butter to the farmhouse.
Beiridh am beag tric air a mhòr ainmig.
The little frequent will overtake the infrequent large.
Beiridh caora dhubh uan geal.
A black ewe may have a white lamb.
Beus na tuath, far am bithear se nithear.
The manners of the folk where thou art thou must adopt
(When in Rome do as the Romans do}
B'fhearr a bhi gun bhreith na bhi gun teagasg
Better be without being than without instruction
B'fhearr gun toiseachadh na sguir gun chriochnachadh
Better not to begin than stop without finishing
Bha iasad ga ghabhail 's
ga thoirt riamh air feadh an t-saoghal.
Borrowing and lending have
always been world-wide habits.
Bheir an èigin air rud-eigin a dheanamh.
Necessity will get something done.
(Necessity is the mother of invention)
Bheir aon fhear each gu uisge
ach cha toir a dhà-dheug air òl.
One man can lead a horse to the water,
but twelve cannot make it drink.
Bheir duine beath' air èigin,
ach cha toir e rath air èigin.
A man may force a livelihood,
but he cannot force fortune.
Bheir duine glic breith bliadhna
air fear na h-aon oidhche
A wise man will form a year's judgement
from one night's knowledge of another man
Bheir eu-dochas misneachd do'n ghealtair.
Desperation will give courage to a coward.
Bheirear comhairle seachad ach cha toirear giùlan.
Council can be given, but not conduct.
Bheirinn cuid-oidhche dha
ged a bhiodh ceann fir fo 'achlais
I would give him food and lodging for the night
even if he had a man's head under his arm
Bhiodh sonas aig an strodhaire
na'm faigheadh e mar a chaitheadh e.
The squanderer would be happy
were he to get as he squandered
Bhith beò beathail ged nach bitheadh tu beò ach leth-uair
To live life to the full, though you would only live a half hour
Bidh an ùbhal ìs fhearr air a' mheangan is àirde.
The best apple will be on the highest bough.
Bidh cron duine cho mòr ri beinn mun lèir dha fhèin e
A man’s fault will be as big as a mountain before he sees it
Bidh mìr a’ ghill’ èasgaidh air gach mèis
The smart fellow’s share is on every dish
Biodh earlas meirleach agad air gach neach,
ach na dean meirleach de neach idir.
Have the caution of a thief about every one,
but make no one a thief.
Bithidh an osnaich dheireanach càidhteach.
The last sigh will be painful.
Bithidh bean-mhuinntir aig an fheannaig 's an Fhoghar.
The crow has her maid-servant at harvest time.
Bithidh cron duine cho mòr ri beinn mas leir dha fhèin e.
A man's faults will be as large as a mountain before he sees them
Bithidh na gabhair bodhair 's an fhoghar.
The goats will be deaf as those who will not hear.
Bithidh sonas an lorg na caitheamh.
Felicity follows generosity.
Bòidheach, cha'n ann dàicheil.
Pretty, not plausible.
Bosd gun chur leis
Pride with nothing to back it up
Brìgh gach cluiche gu dheireadh
The essence of a game is at its end
Brisidh an teanga bhog an cneath.
A smooth tongue will blunt wrath.
(A soft answer turneth away wrath)
Bu cheart cho math leam a bhith a’ sgoltadh bhiorach
I would be just as happy gutting dogfish.
(i.e. I don’t think much of this!)
Bu gheur an cù a bheireadh an t-earball uaithe
Sharp would the dog be that could snatch his tail from him
Bu mhath an sgàthan sùil caraid.
A friend's eye is a good looking-glass.
Bu mhath ìmpidh a choilich mu shiol a thoirt do na cearcan.
Well was the cock's petition for corn for the hens.
Buinidh urram do'n aois.
Honour belongs to old age.
Buntàta pronn us uachdar leotha,
biadh bodaich na h-Àirde
Mashed potatoes and (thick) cream,
the food of the old men of the Aird.
Ceud mìle fàilte.
A hundred thousand welcomes.
Cha b’e là na gaoithe là nan sgolb
The windy day is not the day for thatch-wattles
Cha bhi am bochd-soghail saoibhir.
The luxurious poor will not be rich.
Cha bhi aon duine crionna 'a measg mille amadan.
There will not be one wise man among a thousand fools.
Cha bhi fios aire math an tobair gus an tràigh e
The value of the well is not known until it goes dry
Cha bhi luathas agus grinneas an cuideachd a' cheile.
Quick and fine don't combine.
Cha bhi suaimhneas aig eucoir no seasamh aig droch-bheairt
Wrong will not rest, nor will ill-deed stand
Cha cheòl do dhuin' a bhròn uil' aithris.
It is no music to a man to recite all his woe.
Cha chinn feur air an rathad mhòr
Grass does not grow on the high road
Cha chòir an t-each glan a chur uige
The willing horse should not be spurred
Cha chuirear gad air gealladh.
A promise can never be tied or tethered.
Cha d’ dhùin doras nach d’ fhosgail doras
No door ever closed, but another opened
Cha d’ fhuair sùil ghionach riamh cunnradh math
A covetous eye never got a good bargain
Cha dèan ‘Tapadh leis an fhìdhlear’ am fìdhlear a phàigheadh
A ‘thank you" doesn’t pay the fiddler
Cha dèan aon smeòrach samhradh
One mavis doesn’t make summer
Cha dèan cas làidir nach ith brù mhòr
The strong foot will not find more than the big belly will devour
Cha dèan cat miotagach sealg
A cat in mittens won’t catch mice
Cha dean cridh misgeach breug.
The inebriated heart will not lie.
Cha dèanar sagart gun fhoghlam, ‘s cha dèan foghlam sagart
A priest should be learned, but learning won’t make a priest
Cha deoch-slàint, i gun a tràghadh
It’s no health if the glass is not emptied
Cha do bhris deagh urram ceann duine riamh
agus is mòr-am-beud a bhi uair 's am bith as aonais.
Due civility never broke a man's head
and great the pity to be at any time without it.
Cha do bhris facal math fiacail a-riamh
A good word never broke a tooth
Cha do bhrist fear riamh a bhogha
nach d’fheum fear eile ‘n t-sreang
No man ever broke his bow
but another man found a use for the string
Cha do chuir a ghuallain ris nach do chuir tùr thairis.
None ever set his shoulder to that did not what he sought to do.
Cha d'thug gaol luath, nach d'thug fuath clis.
Quick to love, quick to hate.
Cha mhair a' bhreug ach seal
A lie will not last for long
Cha mhisd’ a’ ghealach na coin a bhith comhartaich rithe
The moon is none the worse for the dogs’ barking at her
Cha mhisde sgeul mhath aithris da nair
A good tale is none the worse for being twice told
Cha 'n aithnich thu duine gus am bi do ghnothaich ris.
You will never know a man until you do business with him.
Cha 'n eil bàs fir gun ghràs fir.
There is no man's death without another man's gain.
Cha 'n eil fealladh ann cho mòr ris an gealladh gun choimhlionadh.
There is no deceit so great as a promise unfulfilled.
Cha 'n eil mòran lochd 's an crìdh a bhios a gabhail òran.
There is not much guile in the heart that is aye singing songs.
Cha 'n eil ùaill an aghaidh tairbh.
Pride is not against profit.
Cha 'n fheum an ti a shealbhaicheas an toradh am blàth a mhilleadh.
He who would enjoy the fruit must not spoil the blossom.
Cha 'n fhiach bròn a ghnàth, 's cha 'n fhiach ceòl a ghnàth.
Sorrowing always is not good, and music mirth always is not good.
Cha 'n fhiach gille gun char gus am bi do ghnothaich ris.
The man without a turn is worthless,
and the man of many turns is worthless (a "twister")
Cha 'n i a mhuc is sàimhche is lugh a dh'itheas de'n drabh.
It is not the quietest sow that eats the least.
Cha 'n uaisle duine na cheird.
No man is above his trade.
Cha nigh na tha de uisge anns a' mhuir ar càirdeas
All the water in the ocean could not wash away our kinship
Cha robh dithis riamh a’ fadadh teine nach do las eatarra
Two never kindled a fire but it lit between them
Cha robh math na olc riamh gun mhnathan uime
There was never good or ill without women being involved in it
Cha robh na sgeulaiche nach robh breugach.
There ne'er was a tale-bearer but was untruthful.
Cha robh naigheachd mhòr riamh nach robh na chall do dhuin'eigin.
There never was great news but was a loss to somebody.
Cha robh Samhradh riamh gun ghrian;
cha robh Geamhradh riamh gun sneachd
There never was a summer without sun;
there never was a winter without snow
Cha sgal cù roimh chnàimh
A dog yells not when hit with a bone
Cha sgeul-rùin e ‘s fios aig triùir air
It’s no secret if three know it
Cha sheas càirdeas air a lèth-chois.
Friendship will not stand on one leg.
Cha shoirbh triubhas a chur air cat
It’s not easy to put trews on a cat
Cha tàinig eun glan riamh à nead a’chlamhainn
A clean bird never came out of a kite’s nest
Cha tèid nì sam bith san dòrn dùinte
Nothing can get into a closed fist
Cha tharraing tu bò an comhair a h-earball
You cannot pull a cow backwards
(There is a natural way with everything)
Cha tig an còta-glas cho math dhan h-uile fear
The grey coat doesn't suit everyone as well
(archaic, said to those who always look good; ironic)
Cha tig as a phoit ach an toit a bhios innte
No fumes from the pot but from what it contains
Cha tig olc à teine
No evil can come out of fire (which purifies)
Cha tig spilgein air fear eiginn
A person in need gets nothing
Cha toir a’ bhòidhchead goil air a’ phoit
Beauty won’t boil the pot
Cha toir am fitheach an t-sùil dha isean fhèin
The raven won’t give the eye (even) to his own chick
Cha toir an uaisle goil air a phoit.
Gentility will not boil the pot.
Cha toir muir no mònadh a chuid bho dhuine sona,
ach cha ghleidh duine dona allt.
Nor main nor mountain can take away from a happy man,
but the unlucky man can't dam a rivulet
Cha tuit caoran à cliabh falamh.
Peats don’t fall from empty creels
Chaidh am foghlam os cionn Mhic Cruimein
The education outstripped MacCrimmon
(the student surpassed the teacher)
Chaidh theabh le creag, is theabh nach deachaidh.
Almost went over a rock and almost didn't.
Chan ann am Bòid uile a tha an t-olc;
tha cuid dheth sa Chumaradh bheag làimh ris
Not all evil is in Bute;
some is in little Cumbrae nearby
Chan ann leis a’ chiad bhuille thuiteas a’ chraobh
It is not with the first stroke that the tree falls
Chan eil air a' chruadal ach cruadhachadh ris
The only remedy for hardship is to harden to it
Chan eil air an duine sona ach a bhreith agus àrach
The contented person has no needs but to be born and brought up
Chan eil an t-each air coingheall sgìth gu bràth
The borrowed horse is never tired
(my Nova Scotian wife's favourite saying to me)
Chan eil bàs ach ruaig
There is no death but defeat
Chan eil bàs duine gun ghràs duine
No man’s death is without grace
Chan eil deathach an taigh na h-uiseig
There is no smoke in a lark’s house
Chan eil fealladh ann cho mòr ris an gealladh gun choimhlionadh
There is no deceit so great as a promise unfullfilled
Chan eil port an asgaidh ann, mar a thuirt an seann chlàrsair
There’s no free tune, as the old harper said
Chan eil saoi air nach laigh leòn
No hero is proof against injury
Chan eil saoi gun choimeas
There is no hero without compare
Chan fhiach bròn a ghnàth,
's chan fhiach ceòl a ghnàth
Sorrowing always is not good,
and music (mirth) always is not good
Chan fhiach cuirm gun a còmhradh
A feast is no use without good conversation
Chan fhiach gille gun char,
's chan fhiach gille nan car
The man without a turn is worthless
and the man of many turns is worthless
(A man of many turns is a way to say 'a cheat')
Chan i bhò ‘s àirde geum as mò bainne
The loudest cow is not the best milker
Chan iongnadh boladh nan sgadan a bhith
den t-soitheach sam bi iad
No wonder the vessel smells
of the herrings that it holds
Cho dall ri damh ann an ceò
As blind as an ox in mist
Cho gòrach ris na h-eòin
As thoughtless as the birds
(said of children)
Cho làidir ri Cuchulainn.
As strong as Cuchulainn.
Cho marbh ri sgadan
As dead as a herring
Cluinnidh am bodhar fuaim an airgead.
The deaf will hear the clink of money.
Coin bhadhail is clann dhaoin eile!
Stray dogs and other people's children!
Coisich gu dìreach, a mhic,
mar a thuirt an seann phartan ris a’ phartan òg
Walk straight, son,
as the old crab said to the young one
(do as I say, not as I do)
Cruaidh mar an fhraoch is buan mar a’ ghiuthas
Hard as the heather, lasting as the pine
Cuimhnichibh air na daoine bho 'n d' thainig sibh
Remember the people from whom you come
(seen on gravestones)
Cùm do chù ri leigeadh
Hold back your dog till the deer falls
Dèan maorach fhad ‘s a bhios an tràigh ann
Dig your bait while the tide is out
Dùnan math innearach, màthair na ciste-mine
A good dungheap is mother to the meal chest
Eallach mòr an duine leisg
The lazy man finds all burdens heavy.
Eiridh tonn air uisge balbh
A wave will rise on quiet water
Fada bhon t-sùil, fada bhon chridhe
Far from the eye, far from the heart
Fainne mun mheur's gun snàithne mun mhàs
A ring around the finger and not a stitch about the bum
Faodaidh fearg sealltainn a stigh air cridh an duine ghlic
ach còmhnaichidh i an cridh an amadain
Anger may look in on a wise man's heart
but it abides in the heart of a fool
Faodar an t-òr fhèin a cheannach tuille is daor
Gold itself may be too dearly bought
Far am bi bò, bidh bean,
is far am bi bean bidh buaireadh
Where you find a cow you find a woman,
and where there is a woman there is trouble
Far am bi fearg bidh bruidhinn,
is às a' bhruidhinn thig tuasaid!
Where there is anger there are words
and where there are words there is a brawl!
Far an taine ‘n abhainn, ‘s ann as mò a fuaim
Where the stream is shallowest, it is noisiest
Fear gu aois, is bean gu bàs
A son is a son until he comes of age;
a daughter is a daughter all her life
Fear sam bith a loisgeas a mhàs,
‘s e fhèin a dh’fheumas suidhe air
Whoever burns his backside
must himself sit upon it
(Constantly said by my Nova Scotian wife to our kids!)
Feuch gu bheil do theallach fh?in sguaibte,
ma's tog thu luath do choimhearsnaich
See that your own hearth is swept
before you lift your neighbour's ashes
Feumaidh an talamh a chuid fhèin
The earth (ie, the grave) will get its share
Fuil gu fichead, comhdhaltas gu ceud
Blood to the twentieth (degree),
fosterage to the hundredth
(An old Highland custom was to exchange children for a
few years top enhance friendship bonds. A foster brother
was considered far closer and therefore owed more
obligation than a blood brother)
Furain an t-aoigh a thig, greas an t-aoigh tha falbh
Welcome the coming, speed the parting guest
Gabhaidh an connadh fliuch, ach cha ghabh a’ chlach
Wet fuel may kindle, but a stone never will
Gabhaidh fear na sròine mòire a h-uile rud ga ionnsaigh fhèin
The man with a big nose thinks everyone talks of it
Gach cùis gu cùmhnant
Let every business be done by agreement
Gach madadh air a’ mhadadh choimheach
Every dog sets upon the stranger dog
Ge b’e thig gun chuireadh, suidhidh e gun iarraidh
Who comes uninvited will sit down unbidden
Ge milis a’ mhil, cò dh’imlicheadh o bhàrr dri i?
Honey may be sweet, but who licks it off a briar?
Ge milis am fìon, tha e searbh ri dhìol
The wine is sweet, the paying bitter
Gealladh gun a'choimhghealladh,
is miosa sin na dhiultadh
Promising but not fulfilling
is worse than refusing
Ged a chuireadh tu an t-amadan ann an amar-bruthaidh,
cha dhealaich amaideas ris
Although you would put the fool into a wine press,
foolishness will not part from him
Ged bheir thu bean o Ifrinn,
bheir i dhachaigh thu
Though you should take a wife from Hell,
yet she will bring you home
Ged dh'eignichear an seanfhacal,
cha breugaichear e
Though the old saying be strained,
it can not be belied
Ged 's fhada a-muigh Barraigh, ruigear i
Although Barra is far out, it can be reached
Gheibh as t-uaibhreach leigeadh an uair airde e
The proud will be humbled at their highest
Gheibh cearc an sgrìobain rudeigin,
is chan fhaigh cearc a’ chrùbain dad idir
The scraping hen will find something,
but the creeping hen will find nothing
Gheibh faidhidinn furstachd
Patience will get relief or reward
Gluais faicilleach le cupan làn
Go carefully with a full cup.
Guma fada beò thu is ceò as do thaigh!
May you be alive long and smoke from (the top of) your house
Gus an tràighear a' mhuir le cliabh,
cha bhi fear fial falamh
Until the ocean is emptied with a basket,
the generous man will never be empty-handed
Iallan fada a leathair duin eile
Long laces from another man’s leather.
(Taking advantage of another)
Is ann air each èasgaidh a leigear an t-uallach
It is on the willing horse that the burden is laid
Is ann an ceann bliadhna a dh’innseas iasgair a thuiteamas
It is at the year’s end that the fisher can tell his luck
Is ann den aon chlò an cathdath
The tartan is all of the one stuff
Is àrd ceann an fhèidh sa chreachann
Lofty is the deer’s head on the top of the mountain
Is bean-taighe ‘n luchag air a taigh fhèin
The mouse is mistress in her own house
Is buidhe le amadain imrich
Fools are fond of flitting
(this idiomatic use of buidhe crops up elsewhere in Gaelic)
Is coma le fear nam bròg càite an cuir e a chas
The shod man cares not where he puts his foot
Is coma leis an rìgh Eoghain,
ach is coma le Eoghain co-dhiù
The king doesn’t like Ewen,
but Ewen couldn’t care less
Is diù nach gabh comhairle,
agus is diù a ghabhas a h-uile comhairle
He is foolish who won't take advice,
and he is foolish who takes all advice
Is e ‘n t-ionnsachadh òg an t-ionnsachadh bòidheach
The learning in youth is the pretty learning
Is e rìgh nan uamhas am bàs
Death is the king of terrors
Is fad’ an oidhche gu latha do dh’fhear na droch mhnatha
The night is long for the husband of a bad wife
Is fheàrr a’ bhloigh bheag le beannachd
na a’ bhloigh mhòr le mollachd
The little thing with a blessing is better
than the large one with a curse
Is fheàrr bloigh bheag le bheannachd,
na bloigh mòr le mallachd
Better a small portion with a blessing
than a large portion with a cursing
Is fheàrr caraid ’s a chùirt
na crùn ’s a sporan
Better a friend at court
than a crown (five shillings) in the purse
(Scots Gaelic)
Is feárr carad ’s a g-cúirt
’na bonn sa sparán
Better a friend at court
than a halfpenny in the purse
(Irish Gaelic)
Is fheàrr còmhairl na thrath na tiodhlac fadalach
Timely advice is better than a late gift
Is fheàrr na'n t-òr sgeul air inns' air chòir
Better than gold is the tale well told
Is fheàrr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach
Better a good retreat than a bad stand
Is fheàrr teine beag a gharas
na teine mòr a loisgeas
The little fire that warms is
better than the big fire that burns
Is furasda dh'an fhear eisdeachd beum
a thoar dh'an fhear labhairt.
It is easy for the listening man
to give taunt to the speaking man
Is i mhàthair bhrisg a nì ‘n nighean leisg
The active mother makes the lazy daughter
Is ioma nì a chailleas fear na h-imrich
Many a thing drops from the man who often flits
("to flit" - Scots for "to move house")
Is ladarna gach cù air a shitig fhèin
Every dog is bold on his own midden
Is luath fear doimeig air fàire,
latha fuar earraich
Swift is the slut’s husband over the hill,
on a bleak day in Spring
Is luath fear na droch mhnatha
air a mhachair Uibhistich
Fast goes the man of the thriftless wife
upon the Uist machair
(for she clothes him badly)
Is math an còcaire an tacras
Hunger is a good cook
Is math an sgàthan sùil caraide
A friend’s eye is a good looking-glass
Is minig a bha 'n donas daicheil
The Devil is often attractive
Is minig a thàinig comhairle ghlic à ceann amadain
It is often that wise counsel came from a fool’s head
Is miosa seo nan t-alum!
This is worse than the alum
(said of a food or drink with an exceptionally bad flavour)
Is mò làn do shùla na làn do bhroinn
Your eyes are bigger than your tummy
(nominative of broinn is "brù")
Is mór stàth na h-Àirde do Mhac Shimidh
Lord Lovat benefits greatly from the Aird
Is obair-là duine a thiodhlacadh
It’s a day’s work to bury a man
Is sleamhainn leac doras an taigh mhòir
The chief’s house has a slippery doorstep
Is treasa dithis a’ dol thar àn àtha na fad’ o chèile
Two should stay together when crossing a ford
Is truagh a’ bhantrach a’ phiob
Poor is the bagpipe when widowed
Is uaisle am breid na toll
A patch is better than a hole
Is ùrachadh atharrachadh
Change is refreshing (a change is as good as a rest)
Lean gu dlùth ri cliù do shinnsre
Follow closely to the reputation of your ancestors
Luathaid gu deanamh maille
Too much rush causes delay
Mol an latha math mu oidhche
Praise the good day at the close of it
Mollaidh an t-each math e fhein
The good horse will praise itself
Na biasta beag a deanamh mar dh'fhaodas iad;
na biasta mor ag itheadh nam biasta beag
The little beasts doing as best they may;
the big beasts eating the little beasts
Na las sop nach urrainn duit féin a chuir as
Do not light a fire that you cannot yourself put out
Na sir 's na seachainn an cath
Neither seek nor shun the fight
Na tog mi gus an tuit mi
Don't lift me up until I fall
Na toilich do mhiann gus am feuch thu do sporan
Check your purse before you please yourself
Na toir bó á Paibeil 's na toir bean á Boighreigh (Uist)
Don't take a cow from Paible or a wife from Boreray
Nach gul i seachd uairean mus ruith an t-earrach
She will lament seven times before the spring is over
(don't be in a rush to get things done)
Nas fheàrr Gàidhlig briste na Beurla cliste
Better broken Gaelic than nimble English
Nì an imrich thric an àirneis lom
Frequent flitting bares the furnishing
Nì òigear leisg bodach brisg
A lazy youth will make an active old man
Nuair a thig Rocabarra ris,
is dual gun tèid an saoghal a sgrios
When Rocabarra appears again,
the world is doomed to destruction
(Rockabarra is an island that will
rise from the ocean one day)
Nuair as teinne an taod,
's ann as dualtaiche dha bhriseadh
When the rope is at its tightest,
it is most likely to break
(Relates to personal stress)
Nuair is mo a fhuair mi,
'sann is lugha bha agam
The more I got, the less I had
Rud nach cluin cluas cha ghluais cridhe
That which the ear doesn't hear won't stir the heart
Rud nach fhaic sùil, cha gluais e chridhe
Out of sight, out of mind (lit. out of heart)
Ruigidh an ro-ghiullachd air an ro-ghalar
The best of nursing may overcome the worst disease
Ruigidh each mall muileann,
ach feumaidh fear fuireach a bhriseas a chas
A slow horse will reach the mill,
but the one that breaks his leg must stay where he is
'S ann an àiteachan eile a gheibh sibh lorg air ar caraidean
It's in strange places that we find our friends
'S e ‘n t-ionnsachadh òg an t-ionnsachadh bòidheach
The learning in youth is the pretty learning
Saoilidh an duin’ air mhisg gum bi a h-uile duin’ air mhisg ach e
The drunk man thinks himself the only one sober
Seachnaidh duin’ a bhràthair, ach cha sheachain e choimh-earsnach
A man may do without a brother, but not without a neighbour
Seòladair an Acha Mhóir
An Achmore sailor (Someone not up to the job)
(Achmore is an inland area of the Isle of Lewis)
Socraichidh am pòsadh an gaol
Love is soon cooled by marriage
Suirghe cein is posadh am bun na h-ursainn
Distant courting, and marrying close at hand (at the door posts)
Suirghe fada bhon taigh, ‘s pòsadh am bun an dorais
Go courting afar, but marry next door
Sùrd le Suaineart! Chaidh Àird nam Murchan a dholaidh!
Let Sunart rejoice! Ardnamurchan has been ruined!
(Ard nam murchan = "Headland of the sea hounds")
Tachraidh na daoine, ach cha tachair na cnuic
Men will meet, but the hills will not
Tagh do chomhluadar ma'n tagh thu do dheoch
Choose your company before you choose your drink
Tart an dèidh an òil, bròn an dèidh an airgid
Thirst after drinking, sorrow after money
(ie riches - nothing lasts for ever…
Teagasg ga thoirt do mhnaoi bhuirb, mar bhuille ùird air iarunn fuar
Scolding a scold is like hammering cold iron
Teine chaoran is gaol ghiullan - cha do mhair iad fada riamh
A fire of broken peat, and a boy’s love do not last
"Tha biodh is ceol an seo!" mar a thuirt a madadh ruadh, 's e ruith
air falbh leis a phiob.
"Here's both meat and music!" as the fox said when he ran away with
the bagpipes.
Tha a mheòir as dèidh na sgait
His fingers are after the skate
(the skate's flesh makes your fingers sticky)
(a bad piper - his fingers stick to the chanter)
Tha iomadh doigh air cu a mharbhadh gun a thachadh le im
There are many ways of killing a dog besides choking him with butter.
Tha iongantas air a chat earball a bhith air
The cat wonders at its own tail
Theid a t-anfhann dichiollach thar an laidir leisg
The diligent weak will triumph over the lazy strong
Theid duine gu bàs air sgàth an nàire
A man will die to save his honour
Thig an t-acras nas trice na aon uair
Hunger comes more than once
(things that are bound to repeat themselves, repeat themselves)
Thig crioch air an saoghal, ach mairidh gaol is ceòl
The world will pass away, but love and music will endure
Thig trì rudan gun iarraidh – an t-eagal, an t-eud ’s an gaol
Three things come without seeking – fear, jealousy and love.
Triùir a thig gun iarraidh – gaol, eud is eagal
Three that come unbidden – love, jealousy and fear
Gaoth ron aiteamh,
gaoth tro tholl,
’s gaoth nan long a tha a’ dol fo sheòl
Na trì gaothan a b’ fhuaire a dh’fhairich Fionn a-riamh
Wind before a thaw,
wind through a hole
and the wind of a ship when hoisting sail
The three coldest winds Fionn (MacCumhail/McCool, the ancient Gaelic
hero) ever felt
Fithich dubha Mhilifiach,
piatan Cnoc Bhàin,
faoileagan a' Chluain,
ruadh-chearcan Baile an Thodair,
cabair fhada a' Chonfhadhaich,
gearran beaga Baile a' Chonais
Black ravens from Milifiach,
pet lambs from Knockbain,
gulls from Clune,
red hens from Balintore,
long poles from Convinth,
little hares from Balconish
Bior a d'dhorn na fàisg,
easbhuidheachd ri d' nàmhaid na ruisg
Ri gearradh-sgian a d' fheol na èisd,
beisd nimheil ri d' bheò na duisg
A thorn in thy grasp, do not squeeze,
thy wants to thine enemy do not bare
The dagger's point to thy flesh do not hear,
a venomous reptile do not rouse
Cur is cathadh am Bealach Dearg, sneachd is reòthadh an Càrn a' Bhalg,
Cùl ri gaoith air Làirig Bhealaich, grian gheal am Maoilinn
Drifts and storms at Bealach Dearg, snow and frost at the Cairnwell
Back to the wind at Làirig Bhealaich, bright sun at Moulin
Cha do bhris deagh urram ceann duine riamh
Agus is mòr-am-beud a bhi uair 's am bith as aonais
Due civility never broke a man's head
And great the pity to be at any time without it
Bracaist am Baile Chloichrìgh
Lunch an Dail na Ceàrdaich
Dìnneir an Dail Chuinnidh
is a' bhanais ann an Ràt
Breakfast at Pitlochry
Lunch in Dalnacardoch
Dinner in Dalwhinnie
And the wedding in Raitts!
(A day's coaching trip from Atholl to Badenoch)
Tha cóig bothan an Loch Abar,
cóig gasgan ann am Bàideanach 's
cóig cóigean ann an Srath Éireann
There are five boths in Lochaber,
five gasgs in Badenoch and
five cóigs in Strathdearn.
The five coigs in Strathdearn are
Cóig na Sìthe,
Cóig a' Mhuilinn and
Cóig nam Fionndaraich
The five boths in Lochaber are
Both Chàsgaidh and
Both Lugha
Does anyone know the five gasgs in Badenoch?
Tha còig còigimh an Eirinn,
agus tha còig còigimh an Srath Eireann,
ach is fheàrr aon chòigeamh na h-Eireann
na còig còigimh Srath Eireann
There are five fifths in Ireland
and five fifths in Strathdearn (Ireland’s Strath),
but better is one-fifth of Ireland
than the five fifths of Strathdearn
Tha taobh dubh is taobh bàn air,
mar a bh' air bàta Mhic Iain Gheàrr
He has a black side and a white side
like the boat of the son of John Kerr
(Mac Iain Gheàrr, or John Kerr's son in *nglish was a Hebridean pirate
whose galley was black on one side and white on the other, so that it
would be mistaken for another boat when returning from pirating.)
An uair a bhios sinn ri òrach,
bidheadhmaid ri òrach
'S nuair a bhios sinn ri maorach,
bidheadhmaid ri maorach
When we are seeking gold in abundance,
let us be seeking gold in abundance;
And when we are seeking bait,
let us be seeking bait
Balach, is balgaire tighearna,
dithis nach còir a leigeil leòtha.
Buail am balach air a charbad,
is buail am balgair air a shròin.
A conceited fellow and a laird's tyke,
two who should not be allowed their own way.
Strike the knave on the neck, and knock the tyke on the nose.
Cha 'n eil mi nam sgoileir,
's cha 'n àill leam a bhi,
Ma 'n d'thuairt a mhadadh-ruadh
ris a mhadadh-allaidh.
I am not a scholar, and don't wish to be.
As the fox said to the wolf.
Ith aran, sniamh muran is bi thu am bliadhn' mar bha thu'n uraidh
Eat bread and twist bent and thou this year shalt be as thou wert last
2018-01-16 03:20:25 UTC
They are neither axiomatic nor maxims so what makes such proverbial words
in any manner wise other than being epigraphic considerations for epitaphs?

And why you ought to repeat the post of 2 October 2006 without comment is
an exercise in futility...

But it is a bloody haughty offence against our BOER / ANZAC war dead for
the Scottish to place Flanders Field poppies upon our Boer Memorial upon an
*inappropriate* day and we demand a parliamentary apology.


(c) 2017 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 16 January, 2018

"Gordon Brown has praised Catholicism for often being the 'conscience of
the nation' as the three party leaders addressed faith in the runup to the
general election." [Guardian 1 April 2010]

“Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of
the world:

But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of
a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that
we might receive the adoption of sons {#123}.

#41 = #123 as #INNER {FEMALE (EGO)} / {#3 - disposition towards (something
or someone): Militia Dei {#3 - Soldiers of God} (1145 CE) / POSITION:
Soldier / Do Not Kill},

#15 / #3 - Nature Surmounts Nature [#65 /#2 - Nature Rejoices in it’s

3 x #41 = #123 as #6, #2, #50, #10, #5, #50 or #773 as #6, #2, #50, #10,
#5, #700 = ben (H1121): {#75 as #123} 1) son, grandson, child, member of a
group; 1a) son, male child; 1b) grandson; 1c) children (pl. - male and
female); 1d) youth, young men (pl.); 1e) young (of animals); 1f) sons (as
characterisation, ie. sons of injustice [for un- righteous men] or sons of
God [for angels]; 1g) people (of a nation) (pl.); 1h) of lifeless things,
ie sparks, stars, arrows (fig.); 1i) a member of a guild, order, class;

And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into
your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

YOUTUBE: “I Have A Dream (ABBA)”

Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir
of God through Christ.

Howbeit then, when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them which by
nature are no gods.

But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn
ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be
in bondage?

Ye observe days {25 April 2018}, and months, and times, and years [such as

I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain.

Brethren, I beseech you, be as I am; for I am as ye are: ye have not
injured me at all.” [Galatians 4:3-12 (KJV)]

I wanted to say a thank-you for CGU Insurance acceptance of this claim as a
*CASH SETTLEMENT* payment made to me of $4,450 less the excess deducted of
$550 made against damage to a replica ship {English: Grasshopper / Dutch:
#IReNe} in relation to an incident at 0041 hours on 11 October 2017 where a
BUDDHA Statue was thrown through my kitchen window whilst the Thai King as
the longest serving Sovereign lay in state having died upon 13 October
2016, which I have received within my account today and have made a
contribution towards offsetting the costs to an installation of a home
security, video and remote monitoring system with CHUBB security.

Whilst I will not trouble you any further with specific details,
nevertheless such acceptance of the Insurance claim by yourselves is an
important disruption to any continuity that are matters of alleged
involvement of others with prohibited foreign powers to wit the KNIGHTS
TEMPLAR INTERNATIONAL and their CABAL of action by Saint Andrews Cause
Célèbre as the conspiratorial imposing:

- of a substituted ethic upon our BOER / ANZAC tradition,
- the rendering of Memorial Services as stone worshipping idolatry and
- attempts to subvert sovereign authority

Which [although] hav[ing] been reported to a *CONSTABLE* *OF* *POLICE* on
19 March 2017, there has never before been undertaken a prosecution by any
law enforcement or judicial officers under the COMMONWEALTH, let alone as
being an initiative of a private citizen.

The following are additional considerations made upon an excerpt from my
letter which was sent to the State and Federal Attorney Generals as
occurring immediately after my Magistrates Court attendance upon 8 November
as CASE NUMBER: H13018534, whereby as a consequence of this correspondence
with the ATTORNEY GENERALS, I am now going to propose to the MAGISTRATES
COURT, that the legal matters are of a substantial complexity involving
indictments of:

- PERJURY under SECTION 314 (15 years maximum),
- SETTING A TRAP OR DEVICE under SECTION 26 (10 years maximum), and
- TREASON under SECTION 9A (Life imprisonment / 20 years maximum)

That under the auspices of SECTION 9A (2) of the CRIMES ACT VICTORIA (1958)
an onus of accountability is therefore placed upon any persons "knowing
that a person intends to commit" such offence to disclose all information
or "use other reasonable endeavours to prevent the commission of the
offence" and in my review that refusal on grounds of incrimination does not

And whether under SECTION 26 (10 years maximum) ANY PERSON WHO SETS A TRAP

That if I can still detect from Hitler’s TABLE TALK writings translated
into English a #231 conspiracy with Roman Catholicism to slaughter Jews and
*homosexuals*, what validity is there to the argument that anyone can make
especially given the matches of morphological sym-bulimia keyed with the
STRONGS Hebrew/Greek lexicon and impositions of a substantiated
substituted ethos being made upon our BOER / ANZAC tradition.

As the UMBRA / GEMATRIA entries comprising the INTELLECTUAL TETRAD as
seemingly associated to the ANKH 𓋹 symbol of life:


41 1 57
49 33 17
9 65 25 = #99 / #297 {#ONE} <-- *AS* *THE* *FOUNDATION* *STONE*


#1 (9) - OUHOUYAH (King-Seraphim) = #1
#9 (8) - HAZIEL (King-Cherubim) = #10
#17 (7) - LEVYAH (King-Throne) = #27
#25 (6) - NETEHYAH (King-Dominion) = #52 <-- *THEY* *ARE* *NOT* *THE*

#33 (5) - YHOUYAH (King-Powers) = #85
#41 (4) - HEHAHEL (King-Virtues) = #126
#49 (3) - OHOUEL (King-Principalities) = #175 <-- *VENUS* (7x7 = #49 /

#57 (2) - NEMAMYAH (King-Archangels) = #232
#65 (1) - DAMBYAN (King-Angels) = #297

Nous: #77
Time: 03:20 hrs
Date: 2018.5.11
Dao: Natural Guide, Heaven's Reason
Tetra: #57 - Guardedness
I-Ching: H12 - Obstruction, Standstill (stagnation), Selfish persons

Solar Eclipse: 22 July 2009 (AEST)

Transformative Prototype: *HOMOIOS* {#551 / #473} / HETEROS {#543 / #469}


***@zen: 1, row: 2, col: 5, nous: 77 [Time: 0320 hrs, Super: #551 /
#77 - Natural Guide, Heaven's Reason; I-Ching: H12 - Obstruction,
Standstill (stagnation), Selfish persons; Tetra: 57 - Guardedness, Ego:
#473 / #77 - Natural Guide, Heaven's Reason; I-Ching: H12 - Obstruction,
Standstill (stagnation), Selfish persons; Tetra: 57 - Guardedness]

#473 as #40, #400, #1, #2, #30 = abal (H56): {#0 as #33 **THIS IS AN
INTERFERENCE ***} 1) to mourn, lament; 1a) (Qal) to mourn, lament; 1a1) of
humans; 1a2) of inanimate objects (fig.); 1a2a) of gates; 1a2b) of land;
1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to mourn, cause to mourn (fig.); 1c) (Hithpael); 1c1) to
mourn; 1c2) play the mourner;

#473 as #20, #3, #50, #400 = gannah (H1593): {#1 as #58 **THIS IS AN
INTERFERENCE ***} 1) garden, orchard;

#473 as #6, #400, #7, #2, #8, #10, #40 = zabach (H2076): {#2 as #17 **THIS
IS AN INTERFERENCE ***} 1) to slaughter, kill, sacrifice, slaughter for
sacrifice; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to slaughter for sacrifice; 1a2) to slaughter
for eating; 1a3) to slaughter in divine judgment; 1b) (Piel) to sacrifice,
offer sacrifice;

#473 as #5, #80, #8, #100, #20, #5, #200, #5, #50 = eparkeo (G1884): {#12
as #1011} 1) to avail or be strong enough for; 1a) to ward off or drive
away, a thing for another's advantage; 1a1) a thing from anyone, to defend;
1b) to aid, give assistance, relieve; 1b1) to give aid from one's own

#473 as #20, #1, #300, #1, #100, #1, #50 = katara (G2671): {#13 as #423} 1)
an execration, imprecation, *CURSE*;

We can by dialectic distinguish within this ethereal system a beginning {#1
- #YOD / #CENTRE AS POSITION}, middle {#41 - #MEM / DELIMITATION} and end
{#81 - #TAU / CIRCUMSCRIBE} which is both compatible with the DAOist
HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER as perennialist heritage and that of our Letters
Patent to Federation of the Commonwealth of Australia. We are compelled to
envisage this eternal process under the *FORM* *OF* *TIME*, *TO* *APPLY*
*SUPRA*-*TEMPORAL* and deploys the DAOist meta-descriptor prototypes and an
agreed #72 mathematical elements as the anthropic principle overlay {viz a
viz the Greco-Roman / Sudoku (鼠毒) puzzlement as magic square}:

41 1 57
49 33 17
9 65 25

= #99 / #297 {#ONE}

42 2 58
50 34 18
10 66 26

= #102 / #306 {#TWO}

43 3 59
51 35 19
11 67 27

= #105 / #315 {#THREE}

44 4 60
52 36 20
12 68 28

= #108 / #324 {#FOUR}

45 5 61
53 37 21
13 69 29

= #111 / #333 {#FIVE}

46 6 62
54 38 22
14 70 30

= #114 / #342 {#SIX}

47 7 63
55 39 23
15 71 31

= #117 / #351 {#SEVEN}

48 8 64
56 40 24
16 72 32

= #120 / #360 {#EIGHT}

49 9 65
57 41 25
17 73 33 = #123 / #369 {#NINE} AS IT'S NATURAL PROGRESSION {#1 / #73

74 81 76
79 77 75
78 73 80 = #231 - #108 = #123 / #693 - #369 = #324 {#TEN} AS RETURN TO

Sons of BELIAL:

#352 as #300, #2, #50 = ben (H1121): {#3 as #52 *THEY* *ARE* *NOT* *THE*
*SONS* *OF* *GOD* as #123} 1) son, grandson, child, member of a group; 1a)
son, male child; 1b) grandson; 1c) children (pl. - male and female); 1d)
youth, young men (pl.); 1e) young (of animals); 1f) sons (as
characterisation, ie sons of injustice [for un- righteous men] or sons of
God [for angels]; 1g) people (of a nation) (pl.); 1h) of lifeless things,
ie sparks, stars, arrows (fig.); 1i) a member of a guild, order, class;

#352 as #40, #1, #100, #10, #1, #200 = Maria (G3137): {#15 as #152} 1) Mary
the mother of Jesus; 2) Mary Magdalene, a women from Magdala; 3) Mary, the
sister of Lazarus and Martha; 4) Mary of Cleophas the mother of James the
less; 5) Mary the mother of John Mark, a sister of Barnabas; 6) Mary, a
Roman Christian who is greeted by Paul in [Romans 16:6];

implicit to the laws and government of our COMMONWEALTH which is framed by


I SO LOVE DILDO {[vulgar slang] a stupid or ridiculous person} GRANITE.
JUST TO LOOK AT JANET {God is merciful}."

YOUTUBE: "[OFFICIAL VIDEO] Bohemian Rhapsody – Pentatonix"


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HOURS ON 8 JUNE 2017 {#413 as #1, #30, #10, #300, #2, #70 = n. *GOD* *OF*




Water, Easy By Nature; I-Ching: H48 - The Well, Welling; Tetra: 40 -
Law/Model / INNER: #3 - Political Prescriptions, Quietude; I-Ching: H46 -
Climbing, Moving/Pushing Upward, Ascending; Tetra: 8 - Opposition} #413 has
7 Categories:

#40, #90, #200, #10, #40, #1, #2, #30 = n. Egyptians' Meadow or Egyptians'
Mourning; #1, #10, #2, #400 = Female enemy; #1, #30, #10, #300, #2, #70 =
n. *GOD* *OF* *OATH*, *ELIZABETH*; #3, #2, #8, #400 = Bald forehead;
baldness or bare place on the right side of cloth; #7, #1, #400, #5 = This;
#7, #6, #200, #200 = To sneeze; #8, #400, #5 = To haste, to snatch up;

} / #383 as #3, #300, #80 = To stroke, caress; / #30, #300, #2, #6, #70, #5
= shebuw`ah (H7621): {#6 as #383} 1) *OATH*, *CURSE*; 1a) oath; 1a1)
attesting of innocence; 1a2) curse; 1b) oath (of Jehovah)} BY A CONTRIVED




GORDON (noun):
* from the marshes {#100 as #6, #1, #3, #40, #10, #40 = 'agam (H98): {#0 as
#44} 1) pool, troubled pool; 1a) troubled or muddy (gloomy) pools, marshes;
1b) any pool, pond; 1c) swamp reeds, reeds, rush(es)
* #46 as #40, #3, #2, #1 = gebe (H1360): {#4 as #6} 1) *cistern*, *pool*;
1a) *cistern*; 1b) *pool*, *marsh*;
* #46 as #6, #3, #7, #30 = gezel (H1499): {#5 as #40} 1) *robbery*,
* s[c/k]eptic narcissistic swampy pool

The London Scottish (1900-1902) was a Volunteer infantry regiment of the
British Army. Formerly a regiment, the unit is now 'A' (London Scottish)
Company of the London Regiment and [this alleged tribute made by a foreign
power] is not associated with either the later Flanders field poppy of
World War I nor Australian Boer War as ANZAC troops to which the Shrine is

However as a matter of travesty over historical revisionism of our ANZAC
tradition as the forgotten of our war dead, the Boer War Day commemorates
the first war in which Australia fought as a nation. In 1899 NSW Lancers
were the first to join in this war followed by all of the other colonies
and after Federation in 1901 Australian units. *THE* *BOER* *WAR* *WAS*
*NEW* *ZEALANDERS*. 31 May is the anniversary of the signing of the Treaty
of Vereeniging (PRON: Ver-en-ig-in) that ended the South African War in
1902. Boer War Day itself is held on the Sunday before 31 May to enable
working people to attend.

Whether this firstly constitutes *A* *TRAP* *OR* *DEVICE* which is
prohibited under the ACT where it therefore ought to be unlawful conduct by
a PUBLIC AUTHORITY under Section 38(1) to (3) of the CHARTER OF HUMAN

"(1) Subject to this section, it is unlawful for a public authority to act
in a way that is incompatible with a human right or, in making a decision,
to fail to give proper consideration to a relevant human right.

(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if, as a result of a statutory provision
or a provision made by or under an Act of the Commonwealth or otherwise
under law, the public authority could not reasonably have acted differently
or made a different decision.

Where the public authority is acting to give effect to a statutory
provision that is incompatible with a human right.

(3) This section does not apply to an act or decision of a private nature.

(4) Subsection (1) does not require a public authority to act in a way, or
make a decision, that has the effect of impeding or preventing a religious
body (including itself in the case of a public authority that is a
religious body) from acting in conformity with the religious doctrines,
beliefs or principles in accordance with which the religious body operates.

(5) In this section religious body means—

(a) a body established for a religious purpose; or
(b) an entity that establishes, or directs, controls or administers, an
educational or other charitable entity that is intended to be, and is,
conducted in accordance with religious doctrines, beliefs or principles.

“Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness {ie. Beliel}, and hath
translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:

In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:

Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:

For by him were all things created, that are in *HEAVEN*, and that are in
*EARTH*, visible and invisible, whether [they be]

thrones {#27 - SOVEREIGNTY}, or

dominions {#52 as 6J = 6x49 = 294 x 364 {ie. #7 x #52} days of years =
107,016 / 293 = 365.24232}, or

principalities {#175 - MARRIAGE as anthropic prototype}, or

powers {#85 = #10, #5, #30, #40 = A precious stone; diamond or *ADAMANT*

[Noun]: a legendary rock or mineral to which many properties were
attributed, formerly associated with diamond or lodestone;
[Adjective]: refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind;
[Origin]: Old English (as a noun), from Old French adamaunt-, via Latin
from Greek adamas, adamant-, ‘untameable, invincible’ (later used to denote
the hardest metal or stone, hence diamond), from a- ‘not’ + daman ‘to
tame’. The phrase to be adamant dates from the 1930s, although adjectival
use had been implied in such collocations as ‘an adamant heart’ since the
16th century.

YOUTUBE: “Kylie Minogue - Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend (Fox Studios
Grand Opening)”

}: all things were created by him, and for him:

And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning {

archē: a commencement, or (concrete) chief (in various applications of
order, time, place or rank):—beginning, corner, (at the, the) first
(estate), magistrate, power, principality, principle, rule

}, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the
preeminence." [Colossians 1:13-18 (KJV)]

I have today delivered my instructions to the Sale Magistrates Court and
there are people and organisations who will be having a very disappointing
2018 as the CENTENNIAL for WORLD WAR I as they cannot undo history and
their accountability for millions of lives:

World War One was one of the deadliest conflicts in the history of the
human race, in which over 16 million people died. The total number of both
civilian and military casualties is estimated at around 37 million people.
The war killed almost 7 million civilians and 10 million military

It is hard to say with exact certainty how many people were killed during
World War II, but estimates vary between 50 million to over 80 million. One
thing that everybody agree with is that it has been the deadliest war ever,
wiping out around 3 percent of the world population at the time.

We shall shortly see what the COURT does in *DECATHECT* consideration of my
neighbour and the matters are of such gravitas that it will in all
likelihood be directed to the police for further investigation and

*DECATHECT* (verb):
- to withdraw one's feelings of attachment from (a person, idea, or
object), as in anticipation of a future loss: He decathected from her in
order to cope with her impending death.

QUOTES: “It is getting easier now for me to decathect from Eugene.”
[Patricia Marx, Him Her Him Again The End of Him, 2007]

“According to Freud, bereavement was not complete until the mourner was
able to withdraw the emotional attachment to the deceased (decathect) and
reinvest that emotional energy into a new relationship or, at least, back
into life.” [J. William Worden, "Theoretical Perspectives on Loss and
Grief," Death, Dying, and Bereavement, 2015]

- Word of the Day for 16 January 2018; Courtesy: www.dictionary.com

And I feel confident that the STATE may contribute to legal costs which I
may incur accordingly within my actions.

Thank you again for your prompt assistance within this matter.

- dolf

PS. I have an exceptional esoteric (metempirical philosophy as prennialist
tradition and metaphysical torah tradition as *BEING* *OUTSIDE* *TIME*)
expertise within the Letters Patent as transformational technology by
trinomial theoretical mathematical noumenon.


Initial Post: 15 January 2018
Post by Michilín
Recently, I'm sorry to say, I've noticed that many of you are getting
bloody slack, so I've gathered together a few Gaelic proverbs from the
bowels of my computer for you to read through and memorise over the
weekend, ready for a stiff test on Monday morning.
If you see duplications, don't panic - just memorize them too.
’S ann air a shon fhèin a nì an cat crònan
It’s for himself that the cat purrs
’S dòcha gun deach am foghlam os cionn Mhic Cruimein
The student bettered the teacher
’S e a’ mhuc shàmhach as motha a dh ’itheas
it's the quiet pig that eats the most
(When the secret culprit is unmasked!)
’S e tìde a dh’innseas
Time will tell
’S e tìde a dh’innseas dè thachras
It’s time that will tell what happens
’S fheàrr a bhith dhìth a chinn na a bhith a dhìth an fhasain
It is better to be without your head than without style
’S fheàrr am bonnach beag le beannachd na am bonnach mòr le mallachd
better the small scone with blessing than the large scone with cursing
’S fheàrr caraid sa chùirt na crùn san sporan
a friend in court is worth more than crowns in the purse
’S fheàrr iasg beag na bhith gun iasg idir
A little fish is better than no fish at all
’S iomadh nì a chailleas fear na h-imrich
Tthe man that flits (moves house) loses much
’S math an sgàthan sùil caraid
A friend's eye is a good mirror
A bheairt sin a bhios cearr,
's e foighidinn is fhear a dheanamh ris.
The loom or engine that has gone wrong,
patience is best for putting it right.
A bhliadhn' is gainne a mhin,
dean fuine mhòr aineamh.
During the year when meal is scarce,
let big bakings be few.
A bhò is miosa th' anns a bhuaile 's is cruaidh ni gèum.
The worst cow in the fold lows the loudest.
A cheud sgeul air fear an taighe is sgeul gu làth' air an aoidh
The first story from the host and tales till morning from the guest
A chuid de Fhlaitheanas dha.
His share of Paradise to him.
A chuir a ruith na cuthaig.
Sent to chase the cuckoo.(a fool's errand)
A 'chungaidh leighis is goirte,'s i
is moth' tha deaneamh feum.
The medicine or liniment that hurts the most
is generally the best healer.
A cur suas inisg, sa bun aig a bhaile.
The reproach getting spread and its root at home.
A ghaoth ag iarraidh na'm port.
The wind seeking the harbours.
A h-uile cù air a chù choimheach.
All dogs down on the strange dog.
A h-uile fear gu blàs fhèin mar a thiurt an daoine
a bha pògadh nam muic
Each to his own taste as the man
who was kissing the pig said
A h-uile rud ach an rud bu chòir.
Everything but the right thing.
A lion beagan is bheagan, mar a dh' ith an cat an sgadan
Little by little, as the cat eats the herring
A mheud 'sa gheibh thu gu math, se'n lughad a gheibh thu de'n olc.
The more you get of what's good, the less you will get of what's bad.
A mire ri cuilein, cha sgur e gus an sgal e.
Playing with a pup ends in a howl.
A' phoit a' tilgeadh air a' choire, gu 'bheil a mhàs dubh
The pot calling the cauldron black
A sgaoladh na'n sguab 's a trusadh na'n siobag.
Scattering the sheaves and gathering the straws.
A' taomadh na mara le cliabh
Bailing the sea with a creel
A’ chlach a thionndaidhear tric, cha tig còinneach oirre
A rolling stone gathers no moss
A’ toirt fiodhrach a Loch Abar
Bringing wood to Lochaber
(whose forests were once famous - taking coals to Newcastle)
Abair ach beagan is abair gu math e
Say but little and say it well
Abair sin, nuair a chaitheas tu cruach mhòine còmhla ris.
Say that, when you have spent a stack of peats along with it.
Adhaircean fada air a chrodh a bhios anns a cheò.
Long horns on the cattle that are seen through the mist.
Air gnothaich na cuthaig.
On the cuckoo's business.
Air rèir do mheas ort fhèin 's ann a mheasas càch thu.
According as thou esteemest thyself, others will esteem thee.
Airde na daileach is isle na h-airde
The highest part of the meadow and the lowest sides of the ridges
(The best arable land)
Aithnichear an leomhan air scriob de iongann,
aithnichear duine air a chuideachd
The lion is known by the scratch of his claw,
a man will be known by his company
Am boll 'air an sgillinn is gun an sgillinn ann.
The boll of meal at a penny and no penny in hand.
Am facal a thig à Ìfrinn - 's e a gheibh, ma 's e 's mo bheir
The message from hell - give to the highest bidder
Am fear a bhios a’ riarachadh na maraig,
bidh an ceann reamhar eige fhèin
The man that divides the pudding
will have the thick end to himself
Am fear a bhios fad’ aig an aiseag,
gheibh e thairis uaireigin
The man who waits long at the ferry
will get over sometime
(Everything comes to he who waits)
Am fear a chaill a nàire is a mhodh, chaill e na bh' aige
The person who lost his propriety and his manners lost all he had
Am fear a gheibh ainm na mocheirich, faoaidh e cadal anmoch
The man who is known as an early riser can sleep late
Am fear a gheibh gach latha bàs, 's e as fhearr a bhitheas beò
The man who finds death each day is the man who lives best
Am fear a ghleidheas a theanga, gleidhidh e a charaid
He who holds his tongue keeps his friend
Am fear a labhras olc mu 'mhnaoi, tha e a cur mì-chliù air fhèin
The man who speaks ill of his wife ruins his own reputation
Am fear a phosas bean posaidh e dragh
He who marries a wife marries trouble
Am fear a tha grad gu gealladh, 's tric leis mealladh
The man who's quick to promise often misleads
Am fear a tha na thamh, tha e na leth-trom an fhearann
He who is idle is a burden on the land
Am fear a thèid a ghnàth a-mach le lìon, gheibh e eòin air uairibh
The man who always goes out with his net will catch birds sometimes
Am fear dan dàn a’chroich, cha tèid gu bràth a bhàthadh
Who is born to be hanged will never be drowned
Am fear is fliuche, rachadh e do'n tobair.
He who is wettest, let him go to the well.
Am fear nach cuir a shnaidhm, caillidh e chiad ghrèim
The man who puts not a knot on his thread loses the first stitch
Am fear nach dèan cur sa Mhàrt, cha bhuain e san Fhoghar
He who will not sow in March will not reap in autumn
Am fear nach gheidh na h-airm 'nam na sìth,
cha bhi iad aige 'n am a chogaidh.
Who keeps not his arms in times of peace,
will have no arms in times of war.
Am fear nach seall roimhe seallaidh e as a dheigh.
He who will not look before him will look behind him.
Am fear, is fhaide chaidh bho'n bhaile,
chual e'n ceòl bu mhilse leis nuair thill e dhachaidh.
Who farthest away e'er did roam
heard the sweetest music on returning home.
Am feur a thig a-mach sa Mhàrt,
thèid e a-staigh sa Ghiblean
March's grass is withered by April
(Don't push - go with the flow)
Am fitheach a dh’èireas moch,
’s ann leis a bhios sùil a’ bheathaich a tha sa pholl
The raven that rises early
gets the eye of the beast (trapped) in the bog
An car a bhios san t-seann mhaide, is deacair a thoirt às
The twist that is in the old stick, is hard to get out
An car a h' anns an t-seana mhaide, is duilich a thoirt as.
Straightening the bend in old wood is a difficult job.
An ceòl air feadh na fìdhle.
The music throughout the fiddle.
An làmb a bheir, ‘s i a gheibh
The hand that gives is the hand that gets
An làmh a bheir, ‘s i a gheibh,
mar a d'thugar do dhroch dhuine
The hand that gives is the hand that gets,
except when given to a bad man
An leanabh a dh'fhàgar dha fhèin,
cuiridh e a mhàthair gu nàire
The child who is left to himself
will bring shame to his mother
An luigh nach fhaighear cha'n ì a chobhras.
The herb that cannot be found will not give relief.
An neach nach cìnn na chadal,
cha chìnn e na dhuisg.
He who will not prosper in his sleep
will not prosper when awake.
An nì a thig leis a’ ghaoith,
falbhaidh e leis an uisge
What comes with the wind
will go with the water
An nì chì na big, ‘s e nì na big
What the little ones see, the little ones do
An ni 's an teid dàil theid dearmaid.
What is delayed will be forgotten.
An ràmh is fhaisg air laimh, iomair leis
The oar that's nearest at hand, row with it
An ràthad fada glan, is an ràthad goirid salach.
The long clean road, and the short dirty road.
An rud a dh'fhalbhas chan e d'fhonis
What is gone, or goes isn't sufficient
An rud a nithear gu math, chithear a bhuil.
What is well done will be shown by results.
An rud a thèid fad o'n t-sùil thèid e fad o'n chrìdhe.
What goes far from the eye will go far from the heart.
(Out of sight out of mind)
An rud a thig gu dona falbhaidh e leis a ghaoith.
What is got by guile will disappear with the wind.
An rud is fhiach a ghabhail, 's fhaich e iarraidh.
If it is worth taking, it is worth asking for.
An rud nach gabh leasachadh,
's fheudar cur suas leis.
What cannot be helped
must be put up with.
(Don't cry over spilt milk)
An triuir nach fuiling an cniodachadh,
seann bhean, cearc, agus caora.
Three that won't bear caressing,
an old woman, a hen, and a sheep.
An turadh, an t-anmoch, am muir-làn, 's an Dòmhnach.
Fair weather, the evening, high water, and the Sabbath.
An uair a chluinneas tu sgeul gun dreach na creid i.
When you hear a tale that is not pleasant, do not believe it.
(Turn a deaf ear to scandal)
An uair a thèid na mèirlich a throd,
thig daoin‘ ionraic gu ‘n cuid fhèin
When thieves dispute,
honest men will get their own
Anail a Ghaidheil, air a mhullach!
The Gael's breathing place - on the summit!
As an teine don ghriasaich
Out of the fire, into the embers, from bad to worse
B' fhearr a bhi gun bhreith na bhi gun teagasg.
Better be without being than without instruction.
B' fhearr gun tòiseachadh na sguir gun chriochnachadh.
Better not to begin than stop without finishing.
B' i sin reul 's an oidhche dhoilleir.
That were a star on a dark night.
B' olc-an-airidh gun deanadh aimsir thioram dolaidh.
'Twere a pity that dry weather should do harm.
Bàs a' chinn-adhairt, bàs do rinn (archaic; two good types of death)
Death in bed (lit. at the bed head),
Death in battle (lit. at the spear point)
Bàthaidh toll beag long mhòr
A little hole will sink a big ship
Bàthaidh uisge teth teine
Hot water will quench fire
Be sin an conadh a chuir do 'n choille.
That were sending fuel to the wood.
(Sending coals to Newcastle)
Be sin ìm a chuir do thaigh àraich.
That were sending butter to the farmhouse.
Beiridh am beag tric air a mhòr ainmig.
The little frequent will overtake the infrequent large.
Beiridh caora dhubh uan geal.
A black ewe may have a white lamb.
Beus na tuath, far am bithear se nithear.
The manners of the folk where thou art thou must adopt
(When in Rome do as the Romans do}
B'fhearr a bhi gun bhreith na bhi gun teagasg
Better be without being than without instruction
B'fhearr gun toiseachadh na sguir gun chriochnachadh
Better not to begin than stop without finishing
Bha iasad ga ghabhail 's
ga thoirt riamh air feadh an t-saoghal.
Borrowing and lending have
always been world-wide habits.
Bheir an èigin air rud-eigin a dheanamh.
Necessity will get something done.
(Necessity is the mother of invention)
Bheir aon fhear each gu uisge
ach cha toir a dhà-dheug air òl.
One man can lead a horse to the water,
but twelve cannot make it drink.
Bheir duine beath' air èigin,
ach cha toir e rath air èigin.
A man may force a livelihood,
but he cannot force fortune.
Bheir duine glic breith bliadhna
air fear na h-aon oidhche
A wise man will form a year's judgement
from one night's knowledge of another man
Bheir eu-dochas misneachd do'n ghealtair.
Desperation will give courage to a coward.
Bheirear comhairle seachad ach cha toirear giùlan.
Council can be given, but not conduct.
Bheirinn cuid-oidhche dha
ged a bhiodh ceann fir fo 'achlais
I would give him food and lodging for the night
even if he had a man's head under his arm
Bhiodh sonas aig an strodhaire
na'm faigheadh e mar a chaitheadh e.
The squanderer would be happy
were he to get as he squandered
Bhith beò beathail ged nach bitheadh tu beò ach leth-uair
To live life to the full, though you would only live a half hour
Bidh an ùbhal ìs fhearr air a' mheangan is àirde.
The best apple will be on the highest bough.
Bidh cron duine cho mòr ri beinn mun lèir dha fhèin e
A man’s fault will be as big as a mountain before he sees it
Bidh mìr a’ ghill’ èasgaidh air gach mèis
The smart fellow’s share is on every dish
Biodh earlas meirleach agad air gach neach,
ach na dean meirleach de neach idir.
Have the caution of a thief about every one,
but make no one a thief.
Bithidh an osnaich dheireanach càidhteach.
The last sigh will be painful.
Bithidh bean-mhuinntir aig an fheannaig 's an Fhoghar.
The crow has her maid-servant at harvest time.
Bithidh cron duine cho mòr ri beinn mas leir dha fhèin e.
A man's faults will be as large as a mountain before he sees them
Bithidh na gabhair bodhair 's an fhoghar.
The goats will be deaf as those who will not hear.
Bithidh sonas an lorg na caitheamh.
Felicity follows generosity.
Bòidheach, cha'n ann dàicheil.
Pretty, not plausible.
Bosd gun chur leis
Pride with nothing to back it up
Brìgh gach cluiche gu dheireadh
The essence of a game is at its end
Brisidh an teanga bhog an cneath.
A smooth tongue will blunt wrath.
(A soft answer turneth away wrath)
Bu cheart cho math leam a bhith a’ sgoltadh bhiorach
I would be just as happy gutting dogfish.
(i.e. I don’t think much of this!)
Bu gheur an cù a bheireadh an t-earball uaithe
Sharp would the dog be that could snatch his tail from him
Bu mhath an sgàthan sùil caraid.
A friend's eye is a good looking-glass.
Bu mhath ìmpidh a choilich mu shiol a thoirt do na cearcan.
Well was the cock's petition for corn for the hens.
Buinidh urram do'n aois.
Honour belongs to old age.
Buntàta pronn us uachdar leotha,
biadh bodaich na h-Àirde
Mashed potatoes and (thick) cream,
the food of the old men of the Aird.
Ceud mìle fàilte.
A hundred thousand welcomes.
Cha b’e là na gaoithe là nan sgolb
The windy day is not the day for thatch-wattles
Cha bhi am bochd-soghail saoibhir.
The luxurious poor will not be rich.
Cha bhi aon duine crionna 'a measg mille amadan.
There will not be one wise man among a thousand fools.
Cha bhi fios aire math an tobair gus an tràigh e
The value of the well is not known until it goes dry
Cha bhi luathas agus grinneas an cuideachd a' cheile.
Quick and fine don't combine.
Cha bhi suaimhneas aig eucoir no seasamh aig droch-bheairt
Wrong will not rest, nor will ill-deed stand
Cha cheòl do dhuin' a bhròn uil' aithris.
It is no music to a man to recite all his woe.
Cha chinn feur air an rathad mhòr
Grass does not grow on the high road
Cha chòir an t-each glan a chur uige
The willing horse should not be spurred
Cha chuirear gad air gealladh.
A promise can never be tied or tethered.
Cha d’ dhùin doras nach d’ fhosgail doras
No door ever closed, but another opened
Cha d’ fhuair sùil ghionach riamh cunnradh math
A covetous eye never got a good bargain
Cha dèan ‘Tapadh leis an fhìdhlear’ am fìdhlear a phàigheadh
A ‘thank you" doesn’t pay the fiddler
Cha dèan aon smeòrach samhradh
One mavis doesn’t make summer
Cha dèan cas làidir nach ith brù mhòr
The strong foot will not find more than the big belly will devour
Cha dèan cat miotagach sealg
A cat in mittens won’t catch mice
Cha dean cridh misgeach breug.
The inebriated heart will not lie.
Cha dèanar sagart gun fhoghlam, ‘s cha dèan foghlam sagart
A priest should be learned, but learning won’t make a priest
Cha deoch-slàint, i gun a tràghadh
It’s no health if the glass is not emptied
Cha do bhris deagh urram ceann duine riamh
agus is mòr-am-beud a bhi uair 's am bith as aonais.
Due civility never broke a man's head
and great the pity to be at any time without it.
Cha do bhris facal math fiacail a-riamh
A good word never broke a tooth
Cha do bhrist fear riamh a bhogha
nach d’fheum fear eile ‘n t-sreang
No man ever broke his bow
but another man found a use for the string
Cha do chuir a ghuallain ris nach do chuir tùr thairis.
None ever set his shoulder to that did not what he sought to do.
Cha d'thug gaol luath, nach d'thug fuath clis.
Quick to love, quick to hate.
Cha mhair a' bhreug ach seal
A lie will not last for long
Cha mhisd’ a’ ghealach na coin a bhith comhartaich rithe
The moon is none the worse for the dogs’ barking at her
Cha mhisde sgeul mhath aithris da nair
A good tale is none the worse for being twice told
Cha 'n aithnich thu duine gus am bi do ghnothaich ris.
You will never know a man until you do business with him.
Cha 'n eil bàs fir gun ghràs fir.
There is no man's death without another man's gain.
Cha 'n eil fealladh ann cho mòr ris an gealladh gun choimhlionadh.
There is no deceit so great as a promise unfulfilled.
Cha 'n eil mòran lochd 's an crìdh a bhios a gabhail òran.
There is not much guile in the heart that is aye singing songs.
Cha 'n eil ùaill an aghaidh tairbh.
Pride is not against profit.
Cha 'n fheum an ti a shealbhaicheas an toradh am blàth a mhilleadh.
He who would enjoy the fruit must not spoil the blossom.
Cha 'n fhiach bròn a ghnàth, 's cha 'n fhiach ceòl a ghnàth.
Sorrowing always is not good, and music mirth always is not good.
Cha 'n fhiach gille gun char gus am bi do ghnothaich ris.
The man without a turn is worthless,
and the man of many turns is worthless (a "twister")
Cha 'n i a mhuc is sàimhche is lugh a dh'itheas de'n drabh.
It is not the quietest sow that eats the least.
Cha 'n uaisle duine na cheird.
No man is above his trade.
Cha nigh na tha de uisge anns a' mhuir ar càirdeas
All the water in the ocean could not wash away our kinship
Cha robh dithis riamh a’ fadadh teine nach do las eatarra
Two never kindled a fire but it lit between them
Cha robh math na olc riamh gun mhnathan uime
There was never good or ill without women being involved in it
Cha robh na sgeulaiche nach robh breugach.
There ne'er was a tale-bearer but was untruthful.
Cha robh naigheachd mhòr riamh nach robh na chall do dhuin'eigin.
There never was great news but was a loss to somebody.
Cha robh Samhradh riamh gun ghrian;
cha robh Geamhradh riamh gun sneachd
There never was a summer without sun;
there never was a winter without snow
Cha sgal cù roimh chnàimh
A dog yells not when hit with a bone
Cha sgeul-rùin e ‘s fios aig triùir air
It’s no secret if three know it
Cha sheas càirdeas air a lèth-chois.
Friendship will not stand on one leg.
Cha shoirbh triubhas a chur air cat
It’s not easy to put trews on a cat
Cha tàinig eun glan riamh à nead a’chlamhainn
A clean bird never came out of a kite’s nest
Cha tèid nì sam bith san dòrn dùinte
Nothing can get into a closed fist
Cha tharraing tu bò an comhair a h-earball
You cannot pull a cow backwards
(There is a natural way with everything)
Cha tig an còta-glas cho math dhan h-uile fear
The grey coat doesn't suit everyone as well
(archaic, said to those who always look good; ironic)
Cha tig as a phoit ach an toit a bhios innte
No fumes from the pot but from what it contains
Cha tig olc à teine
No evil can come out of fire (which purifies)
Cha tig spilgein air fear eiginn
A person in need gets nothing
Cha toir a’ bhòidhchead goil air a’ phoit
Beauty won’t boil the pot
Cha toir am fitheach an t-sùil dha isean fhèin
The raven won’t give the eye (even) to his own chick
Cha toir an uaisle goil air a phoit.
Gentility will not boil the pot.
Cha toir muir no mònadh a chuid bho dhuine sona,
ach cha ghleidh duine dona allt.
Nor main nor mountain can take away from a happy man,
but the unlucky man can't dam a rivulet
Cha tuit caoran à cliabh falamh.
Peats don’t fall from empty creels
Chaidh am foghlam os cionn Mhic Cruimein
The education outstripped MacCrimmon
(the student surpassed the teacher)
Chaidh theabh le creag, is theabh nach deachaidh.
Almost went over a rock and almost didn't.
Chan ann am Bòid uile a tha an t-olc;
tha cuid dheth sa Chumaradh bheag làimh ris
Not all evil is in Bute;
some is in little Cumbrae nearby
Chan ann leis a’ chiad bhuille thuiteas a’ chraobh
It is not with the first stroke that the tree falls
Chan eil air a' chruadal ach cruadhachadh ris
The only remedy for hardship is to harden to it
Chan eil air an duine sona ach a bhreith agus àrach
The contented person has no needs but to be born and brought up
Chan eil an t-each air coingheall sgìth gu bràth
The borrowed horse is never tired
(my Nova Scotian wife's favourite saying to me)
Chan eil bàs ach ruaig
There is no death but defeat
Chan eil bàs duine gun ghràs duine
No man’s death is without grace
Chan eil deathach an taigh na h-uiseig
There is no smoke in a lark’s house
Chan eil fealladh ann cho mòr ris an gealladh gun choimhlionadh
There is no deceit so great as a promise unfullfilled
Chan eil port an asgaidh ann, mar a thuirt an seann chlàrsair
There’s no free tune, as the old harper said
Chan eil saoi air nach laigh leòn
No hero is proof against injury
Chan eil saoi gun choimeas
There is no hero without compare
Chan fhiach bròn a ghnàth,
's chan fhiach ceòl a ghnàth
Sorrowing always is not good,
and music (mirth) always is not good
Chan fhiach cuirm gun a còmhradh
A feast is no use without good conversation
Chan fhiach gille gun char,
's chan fhiach gille nan car
The man without a turn is worthless
and the man of many turns is worthless
(A man of many turns is a way to say 'a cheat')
Chan i bhò ‘s àirde geum as mò bainne
The loudest cow is not the best milker
Chan iongnadh boladh nan sgadan a bhith
den t-soitheach sam bi iad
No wonder the vessel smells
of the herrings that it holds
Cho dall ri damh ann an ceò
As blind as an ox in mist
Cho gòrach ris na h-eòin
As thoughtless as the birds
(said of children)
Cho làidir ri Cuchulainn.
As strong as Cuchulainn.
Cho marbh ri sgadan
As dead as a herring
Cluinnidh am bodhar fuaim an airgead.
The deaf will hear the clink of money.
Coin bhadhail is clann dhaoin eile!
Stray dogs and other people's children!
Coisich gu dìreach, a mhic,
mar a thuirt an seann phartan ris a’ phartan òg
Walk straight, son,
as the old crab said to the young one
(do as I say, not as I do)
Cruaidh mar an fhraoch is buan mar a’ ghiuthas
Hard as the heather, lasting as the pine
Cuimhnichibh air na daoine bho 'n d' thainig sibh
Remember the people from whom you come
(seen on gravestones)
Cùm do chù ri leigeadh
Hold back your dog till the deer falls
Dèan maorach fhad ‘s a bhios an tràigh ann
Dig your bait while the tide is out
Dùnan math innearach, màthair na ciste-mine
A good dungheap is mother to the meal chest
Eallach mòr an duine leisg
The lazy man finds all burdens heavy.
Eiridh tonn air uisge balbh
A wave will rise on quiet water
Fada bhon t-sùil, fada bhon chridhe
Far from the eye, far from the heart
Fainne mun mheur's gun snàithne mun mhàs
A ring around the finger and not a stitch about the bum
Faodaidh fearg sealltainn a stigh air cridh an duine ghlic
ach còmhnaichidh i an cridh an amadain
Anger may look in on a wise man's heart
but it abides in the heart of a fool
Faodar an t-òr fhèin a cheannach tuille is daor
Gold itself may be too dearly bought
Far am bi bò, bidh bean,
is far am bi bean bidh buaireadh
Where you find a cow you find a woman,
and where there is a woman there is trouble
Far am bi fearg bidh bruidhinn,
is às a' bhruidhinn thig tuasaid!
Where there is anger there are words
and where there are words there is a brawl!
Far an taine ‘n abhainn, ‘s ann as mò a fuaim
Where the stream is shallowest, it is noisiest
Fear gu aois, is bean gu bàs
A son is a son until he comes of age;
a daughter is a daughter all her life
Fear sam bith a loisgeas a mhàs,
‘s e fhèin a dh’fheumas suidhe air
Whoever burns his backside
must himself sit upon it
(Constantly said by my Nova Scotian wife to our kids!)
Feuch gu bheil do theallach fh?in sguaibte,
ma's tog thu luath do choimhearsnaich
See that your own hearth is swept
before you lift your neighbour's ashes
Feumaidh an talamh a chuid fhèin
The earth (ie, the grave) will get its share
Fuil gu fichead, comhdhaltas gu ceud
Blood to the twentieth (degree),
fosterage to the hundredth
(An old Highland custom was to exchange children for a
few years top enhance friendship bonds. A foster brother
was considered far closer and therefore owed more
obligation than a blood brother)
Furain an t-aoigh a thig, greas an t-aoigh tha falbh
Welcome the coming, speed the parting guest
Gabhaidh an connadh fliuch, ach cha ghabh a’ chlach
Wet fuel may kindle, but a stone never will
Gabhaidh fear na sròine mòire a h-uile rud ga ionnsaigh fhèin
The man with a big nose thinks everyone talks of it
Gach cùis gu cùmhnant
Let every business be done by agreement
Gach madadh air a’ mhadadh choimheach
Every dog sets upon the stranger dog
Ge b’e thig gun chuireadh, suidhidh e gun iarraidh
Who comes uninvited will sit down unbidden
Ge milis a’ mhil, cò dh’imlicheadh o bhàrr dri i?
Honey may be sweet, but who licks it off a briar?
Ge milis am fìon, tha e searbh ri dhìol
The wine is sweet, the paying bitter
Gealladh gun a'choimhghealladh,
is miosa sin na dhiultadh
Promising but not fulfilling
is worse than refusing
Ged a chuireadh tu an t-amadan ann an amar-bruthaidh,
cha dhealaich amaideas ris
Although you would put the fool into a wine press,
foolishness will not part from him
Ged bheir thu bean o Ifrinn,
bheir i dhachaigh thu
Though you should take a wife from Hell,
yet she will bring you home
Ged dh'eignichear an seanfhacal,
cha breugaichear e
Though the old saying be strained,
it can not be belied
Ged 's fhada a-muigh Barraigh, ruigear i
Although Barra is far out, it can be reached
Gheibh as t-uaibhreach leigeadh an uair airde e
The proud will be humbled at their highest
Gheibh cearc an sgrìobain rudeigin,
is chan fhaigh cearc a’ chrùbain dad idir
The scraping hen will find something,
but the creeping hen will find nothing
Gheibh faidhidinn furstachd
Patience will get relief or reward
Gluais faicilleach le cupan làn
Go carefully with a full cup.
Guma fada beò thu is ceò as do thaigh!
May you be alive long and smoke from (the top of) your house
Gus an tràighear a' mhuir le cliabh,
cha bhi fear fial falamh
Until the ocean is emptied with a basket,
the generous man will never be empty-handed
Iallan fada a leathair duin eile
Long laces from another man’s leather.
(Taking advantage of another)
Is ann air each èasgaidh a leigear an t-uallach
It is on the willing horse that the burden is laid
Is ann an ceann bliadhna a dh’innseas iasgair a thuiteamas
It is at the year’s end that the fisher can tell his luck
Is ann den aon chlò an cathdath
The tartan is all of the one stuff
Is àrd ceann an fhèidh sa chreachann
Lofty is the deer’s head on the top of the mountain
Is bean-taighe ‘n luchag air a taigh fhèin
The mouse is mistress in her own house
Is buidhe le amadain imrich
Fools are fond of flitting
(this idiomatic use of buidhe crops up elsewhere in Gaelic)
Is coma le fear nam bròg càite an cuir e a chas
The shod man cares not where he puts his foot
Is coma leis an rìgh Eoghain,
ach is coma le Eoghain co-dhiù
The king doesn’t like Ewen,
but Ewen couldn’t care less
Is diù nach gabh comhairle,
agus is diù a ghabhas a h-uile comhairle
He is foolish who won't take advice,
and he is foolish who takes all advice
Is e ‘n t-ionnsachadh òg an t-ionnsachadh bòidheach
The learning in youth is the pretty learning
Is e rìgh nan uamhas am bàs
Death is the king of terrors
Is fad’ an oidhche gu latha do dh’fhear na droch mhnatha
The night is long for the husband of a bad wife
Is fheàrr a’ bhloigh bheag le beannachd
na a’ bhloigh mhòr le mollachd
The little thing with a blessing is better
than the large one with a curse
Is fheàrr bloigh bheag le bheannachd,
na bloigh mòr le mallachd
Better a small portion with a blessing
than a large portion with a cursing
Is fheàrr caraid ’s a chùirt
na crùn ’s a sporan
Better a friend at court
than a crown (five shillings) in the purse
(Scots Gaelic)
Is feárr carad ’s a g-cúirt
’na bonn sa sparán
Better a friend at court
than a halfpenny in the purse
(Irish Gaelic)
Is fheàrr còmhairl na thrath na tiodhlac fadalach
Timely advice is better than a late gift
Is fheàrr na'n t-òr sgeul air inns' air chòir
Better than gold is the tale well told
Is fheàrr teicheadh math na droch fhuireach
Better a good retreat than a bad stand
Is fheàrr teine beag a gharas
na teine mòr a loisgeas
The little fire that warms is
better than the big fire that burns
Is furasda dh'an fhear eisdeachd beum
a thoar dh'an fhear labhairt.
It is easy for the listening man
to give taunt to the speaking man
Is i mhàthair bhrisg a nì ‘n nighean leisg
The active mother makes the lazy daughter
Is ioma nì a chailleas fear na h-imrich
Many a thing drops from the man who often flits
("to flit" - Scots for "to move house")
Is ladarna gach cù air a shitig fhèin
Every dog is bold on his own midden
Is luath fear doimeig air fàire,
latha fuar earraich
Swift is the slut’s husband over the hill,
on a bleak day in Spring
Is luath fear na droch mhnatha
air a mhachair Uibhistich
Fast goes the man of the thriftless wife
upon the Uist machair
(for she clothes him badly)
Is math an còcaire an tacras
Hunger is a good cook
Is math an sgàthan sùil caraide
A friend’s eye is a good looking-glass
Is minig a bha 'n donas daicheil
The Devil is often attractive
Is minig a thàinig comhairle ghlic à ceann amadain
It is often that wise counsel came from a fool’s head
Is miosa seo nan t-alum!
This is worse than the alum
(said of a food or drink with an exceptionally bad flavour)
Is mò làn do shùla na làn do bhroinn
Your eyes are bigger than your tummy
(nominative of broinn is "brù")
Is mór stàth na h-Àirde do Mhac Shimidh
Lord Lovat benefits greatly from the Aird
Is obair-là duine a thiodhlacadh
It’s a day’s work to bury a man
Is sleamhainn leac doras an taigh mhòir
The chief’s house has a slippery doorstep
Is treasa dithis a’ dol thar àn àtha na fad’ o chèile
Two should stay together when crossing a ford
Is truagh a’ bhantrach a’ phiob
Poor is the bagpipe when widowed
Is uaisle am breid na toll
A patch is better than a hole
Is ùrachadh atharrachadh
Change is refreshing (a change is as good as a rest)
Lean gu dlùth ri cliù do shinnsre
Follow closely to the reputation of your ancestors
Luathaid gu deanamh maille
Too much rush causes delay
Mol an latha math mu oidhche
Praise the good day at the close of it
Mollaidh an t-each math e fhein
The good horse will praise itself
Na biasta beag a deanamh mar dh'fhaodas iad;
na biasta mor ag itheadh nam biasta beag
The little beasts doing as best they may;
the big beasts eating the little beasts
Na las sop nach urrainn duit féin a chuir as
Do not light a fire that you cannot yourself put out
Na sir 's na seachainn an cath
Neither seek nor shun the fight
Na tog mi gus an tuit mi
Don't lift me up until I fall
Na toilich do mhiann gus am feuch thu do sporan
Check your purse before you please yourself
Na toir bó á Paibeil 's na toir bean á Boighreigh (Uist)
Don't take a cow from Paible or a wife from Boreray
Nach gul i seachd uairean mus ruith an t-earrach
She will lament seven times before the spring is over
(don't be in a rush to get things done)
Nas fheàrr Gàidhlig briste na Beurla cliste
Better broken Gaelic than nimble English
Nì an imrich thric an àirneis lom
Frequent flitting bares the furnishing
Nì òigear leisg bodach brisg
A lazy youth will make an active old man
Nuair a thig Rocabarra ris,
is dual gun tèid an saoghal a sgrios
When Rocabarra appears again,
the world is doomed to destruction
(Rockabarra is an island that will
rise from the ocean one day)
Nuair as teinne an taod,
's ann as dualtaiche dha bhriseadh
When the rope is at its tightest,
it is most likely to break
(Relates to personal stress)
Nuair is mo a fhuair mi,
'sann is lugha bha agam
The more I got, the less I had
Rud nach cluin cluas cha ghluais cridhe
That which the ear doesn't hear won't stir the heart
Rud nach fhaic sùil, cha gluais e chridhe
Out of sight, out of mind (lit. out of heart)
Ruigidh an ro-ghiullachd air an ro-ghalar
The best of nursing may overcome the worst disease
Ruigidh each mall muileann,
ach feumaidh fear fuireach a bhriseas a chas
A slow horse will reach the mill,
but the one that breaks his leg must stay where he is
'S ann an àiteachan eile a gheibh sibh lorg air ar caraidean
It's in strange places that we find our friends
'S e ‘n t-ionnsachadh òg an t-ionnsachadh bòidheach
The learning in youth is the pretty learning
Saoilidh an duin’ air mhisg gum bi a h-uile duin’ air mhisg ach e
The drunk man thinks himself the only one sober
Seachnaidh duin’ a bhràthair, ach cha sheachain e choimh-earsnach
A man may do without a brother, but not without a neighbour
Seòladair an Acha Mhóir
An Achmore sailor (Someone not up to the job)
(Achmore is an inland area of the Isle of Lewis)
Socraichidh am pòsadh an gaol
Love is soon cooled by marriage
Suirghe cein is posadh am bun na h-ursainn
Distant courting, and marrying close at hand (at the door posts)
Suirghe fada bhon taigh, ‘s pòsadh am bun an dorais
Go courting afar, but marry next door
Sùrd le Suaineart! Chaidh Àird nam Murchan a dholaidh!
Let Sunart rejoice! Ardnamurchan has been ruined!
(Ard nam murchan = "Headland of the sea hounds")
Tachraidh na daoine, ach cha tachair na cnuic
Men will meet, but the hills will not
Tagh do chomhluadar ma'n tagh thu do dheoch
Choose your company before you choose your drink
Tart an dèidh an òil, bròn an dèidh an airgid
Thirst after drinking, sorrow after money
(ie riches - nothing lasts for ever…
Teagasg ga thoirt do mhnaoi bhuirb, mar bhuille ùird air iarunn fuar
Scolding a scold is like hammering cold iron
Teine chaoran is gaol ghiullan - cha do mhair iad fada riamh
A fire of broken peat, and a boy’s love do not last
"Tha biodh is ceol an seo!" mar a thuirt a madadh ruadh, 's e ruith
air falbh leis a phiob.
"Here's both meat and music!" as the fox said when he ran away with
the bagpipes.
Tha a mheòir as dèidh na sgait
His fingers are after the skate
(the skate's flesh makes your fingers sticky)
(a bad piper - his fingers stick to the chanter)
Tha iomadh doigh air cu a mharbhadh gun a thachadh le im
There are many ways of killing a dog besides choking him with butter.
Tha iongantas air a chat earball a bhith air
The cat wonders at its own tail
Theid a t-anfhann dichiollach thar an laidir leisg
The diligent weak will triumph over the lazy strong
Theid duine gu bàs air sgàth an nàire
A man will die to save his honour
Thig an t-acras nas trice na aon uair
Hunger comes more than once
(things that are bound to repeat themselves, repeat themselves)
Thig crioch air an saoghal, ach mairidh gaol is ceòl
The world will pass away, but love and music will endure
Thig trì rudan gun iarraidh – an t-eagal, an t-eud ’s an gaol
Three things come without seeking – fear, jealousy and love.
Triùir a thig gun iarraidh – gaol, eud is eagal
Three that come unbidden – love, jealousy and fear
Gaoth ron aiteamh,
gaoth tro tholl,
’s gaoth nan long a tha a’ dol fo sheòl
Na trì gaothan a b’ fhuaire a dh’fhairich Fionn a-riamh
Wind before a thaw,
wind through a hole
and the wind of a ship when hoisting sail
The three coldest winds Fionn (MacCumhail/McCool, the ancient Gaelic
hero) ever felt
Fithich dubha Mhilifiach,
piatan Cnoc Bhàin,
faoileagan a' Chluain,
ruadh-chearcan Baile an Thodair,
cabair fhada a' Chonfhadhaich,
gearran beaga Baile a' Chonais
Black ravens from Milifiach,
pet lambs from Knockbain,
gulls from Clune,
red hens from Balintore,
long poles from Convinth,
little hares from Balconish
Bior a d'dhorn na fàisg,
easbhuidheachd ri d' nàmhaid na ruisg
Ri gearradh-sgian a d' fheol na èisd,
beisd nimheil ri d' bheò na duisg
A thorn in thy grasp, do not squeeze,
thy wants to thine enemy do not bare
The dagger's point to thy flesh do not hear,
a venomous reptile do not rouse
Cur is cathadh am Bealach Dearg, sneachd is reòthadh an Càrn a' Bhalg,
Cùl ri gaoith air Làirig Bhealaich, grian gheal am Maoilinn
Drifts and storms at Bealach Dearg, snow and frost at the Cairnwell
Back to the wind at Làirig Bhealaich, bright sun at Moulin
Cha do bhris deagh urram ceann duine riamh
Agus is mòr-am-beud a bhi uair 's am bith as aonais
Due civility never broke a man's head
And great the pity to be at any time without it
Bracaist am Baile Chloichrìgh
Lunch an Dail na Ceàrdaich
Dìnneir an Dail Chuinnidh
is a' bhanais ann an Ràt
Breakfast at Pitlochry
Lunch in Dalnacardoch
Dinner in Dalwhinnie
And the wedding in Raitts!
(A day's coaching trip from Atholl to Badenoch)
Tha cóig bothan an Loch Abar,
cóig gasgan ann am Bàideanach 's
cóig cóigean ann an Srath Éireann
There are five boths in Lochaber,
five gasgs in Badenoch and
five cóigs in Strathdearn.
The five coigs in Strathdearn are
Cóig na Sìthe,
Cóig a' Mhuilinn and
Cóig nam Fionndaraich
The five boths in Lochaber are
Both Chàsgaidh and
Both Lugha
Does anyone know the five gasgs in Badenoch?
Tha còig còigimh an Eirinn,
agus tha còig còigimh an Srath Eireann,
ach is fheàrr aon chòigeamh na h-Eireann
na còig còigimh Srath Eireann
There are five fifths in Ireland
and five fifths in Strathdearn (Ireland’s Strath),
but better is one-fifth of Ireland
than the five fifths of Strathdearn
Tha taobh dubh is taobh bàn air,
mar a bh' air bàta Mhic Iain Gheàrr
He has a black side and a white side
like the boat of the son of John Kerr
(Mac Iain Gheàrr, or John Kerr's son in *nglish was a Hebridean pirate
whose galley was black on one side and white on the other, so that it
would be mistaken for another boat when returning from pirating.)
An uair a bhios sinn ri òrach,
bidheadhmaid ri òrach
'S nuair a bhios sinn ri maorach,
bidheadhmaid ri maorach
When we are seeking gold in abundance,
let us be seeking gold in abundance;
And when we are seeking bait,
let us be seeking bait
Balach, is balgaire tighearna,
dithis nach còir a leigeil leòtha.
Buail am balach air a charbad,
is buail am balgair air a shròin.
A conceited fellow and a laird's tyke,
two who should not be allowed their own way.
Strike the knave on the neck, and knock the tyke on the nose.
Cha 'n eil mi nam sgoileir,
's cha 'n àill leam a bhi,
Ma 'n d'thuairt a mhadadh-ruadh
ris a mhadadh-allaidh.
I am not a scholar, and don't wish to be.
As the fox said to the wolf.
Ith aran, sniamh muran is bi thu am bliadhn' mar bha thu'n uraidh
Eat bread and twist bent and thou this year shalt be as thou wert last
Michilín ( *Michelin* <— my neighbour has this by his door)




This hillbilly ***@thole stupidity is typical as the circumstantiality of
former President Barack Obama’s abject failure to actually ever lead the
Country as a President of the United States: “One of the things that
Michelle {gift of God} figured out, in some ways faster than I did, was
part of your ability to lead the country doesn't have to do with
legislation, doesn't have to do with regulations, it has to do with shaping
attitudes, shaping culture, increasing awareness.”


Awareness which you haughtily express as an abrogation of the laws of
Almighty God in the shadow of Michelle’s {gift from God} apron strings and
hence only within binomial terms which does not accord a proper humanist
and universalist dignity expressing the “INTELLECTUS AS GENITIVE
VOLUNTĀTIS” attribution to the IMAGO DEI as the HOMO [iOS] SAPIEN [T]
conforming to the “gift of God” being a trinomial mathematical theoretical
noumenon (c. Kant of 1784 CE

Slavery in America began when the first African slaves were brought to the
North American colony of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619 CE, to aid in the
production of such lucrative crops as tobacco

} representing the natural and harmonious equivalent of the HEAVEN
COURSE-trochos of NATURE-genesis. [James 3:6] as Mother of Government} -
MAN {HOMOIOS-sameness / 'All one to us' SAPIENT-'wisdom thinker' of the
self-identity as formula of autonomy} being the Son of Man dynamic.


Law}, WHICH CONTAINS THE LAW OF THAT WILL: 7 x 24 x 13 = 2184 days of the
'oth cycle = 6D or 6 x 364 associated to the 'constant sequence of sun and
moon' as 354 x 3 + 30 day intercalation = 1092 days x 2 = 2184 days:

words, saying, 'I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the
land of Egypt {that troubles or oppresses; anguish}, out of the house of
bondage. Thou shalt have no other gods before me..." [Exodus 20:1-3 (KJV

#YOD [#10 - #MALKHUT] as 10 on 10 SEPTEMBER 2001)

YOUTUBE: "9/11 - 11 September 2001 as Attack on the World Trade Centre"

AND THE *EARTH* (COURSE-trochos OF NATURE-genesis [James 3:6]:

THE PRINCIPLE OF SUBSUMPTION UNDER THE LAW: x 49 = 6J or 294 x 364 days or
365.242320819 x 293 years - Vernal Equinox Wednesday 20 March 1996 / 21
March = 1 Nisan 5756; and

AS BEING A LOGICAL GROUNDING OF INFINITY: "... Thou shalt not bow down
thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God,
visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and
fourth generation of them that hate me; And showing mercy unto thousands of
them that love me, and keep my commandments..." [Exodus 20:5-6 (KJV)]

#MEM [#40] as 13 September 2001 as ETERNITY)

The custodial seizure of the CENTRE by the use of 7 x #369 magic squares
with a common property of #41 which is not ONLY a subsumed METHODOLOGY AS
FUNCTION characteristic of the Pythagorean binomial HETEROS THEORY OF
NUMBER that is otherwise reliant upon a 7 fold progression of magic squares
from #15 to #369 and is commonly used by Jewish, Catholic (et al
Christian), Islam and Masonic belief systems.


CASE AT HAND: ... 6,000 as 122J3W1D + 9(9²+1)/2 as #369 with Septet #41
centric on 13-17 September 2001 / 18 September = 1 Tishri 5762.

take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him
guiltless that taketh his name in vain.'" [Exodus 20:7 (KJV)]

#TAU [#400] as 22)

This TELOS as the chronological occultation of the custodial CENTRE (#41 on
13-17th September 2001) is also a cosmological viewpoint of such TELOS
related to the sun/moon cycles and is associated to a reprise of the
cosmogony as a notion of the Genesis Principle and has horological
implications conveyed by the Book of JUBILEES as Time Division by Days,
Weeks and Jubilees.

It is not a claim that the earth and universe is only 6,000 years old, but
rather a proposition of relativity within billions of years and a noumenon
focal point as a development by which rationality transpires, reason
springs forth and that is characteristic to being human:

HOMO ('man') / HOMOIOS (*same*, *equal* *in* *force*, *a* *match* *for*
*one*, *all* *one* *to* *us*, of *numbers*, *square*, *the* *product* *of*
*two* *equal* *factors*), SAPIENS ('thinker') / SAPIENT ('being a
wise/wisdom thinker') [Deuteronomy 4:32; Genesis 1:26]

The development of the GRAPPLE HOMOIOTIC NOUMENON is my claim to an
Intellectual Property as being compliant with a Natural Law, Common Law and
an *EGALITARIAN* right, in that it establishes the prima facie claim, that
my past conduct has always had an integrity with regards to an expression
of an Autonomy of Will."

*EGALITARIAN* (adjective):
- asserting, resulting from, or characterized by belief in the equality of
all people, especially in political, economic, or social life.
- a person who adheres to egalitarian beliefs.
Origin: 1880–85; alteration of equalitarian with French égal replacing
- Word of the Day for 4th July 2016; Courtesy: www.dictionary.com

Conforming as the ethereal 'JE NE SAIS QUOI' of the fabric to time itself
which as 'VIVE LA DIFFERENCE' {ie. an expression of approval of difference,
especially that between the sexes} you might as existentialist French 🇫🇷
egoists call 'VIVE LA FRANCE' / 'VIVE LA LIBERTÉ' as also being related to
my own intellectual property on "INTELLECTUS AS GENITIVE VOLUNTĀTIS"

#1 - Formula of Universal Law
#2 - Formula of Humanity
#3 - Formula of Autonomy
#4 - Formula of Progression
#5 - Act of Nature as any pairing (human nature) by co-joined Contract such
as the Olympic Games as representing the five pointed star upon your

That by means of a theoretical mathematical noumenon being a technology
and ASSISTING unto the Governor General} as GIFT of Queen Victoria to the
Federation of the Commonwealth of Australia (1901):





#40, #20, #6, #200 as kuwr (H3564): {#6 as #226} 1) furnace, forge,
smelting furnace or pot; 2) (Qal) to bore, pierce, dig, hew} AN


In summary then, the Statue of Liberty (Liberty Enlightening the World;
French: La Liberté éclairant le monde) is a colossal neoclassical sculpture
on Liberty Island in New York Harbor in New York City, in the United

The copper statue, as a gift from the people of France to the people of the
United States, was designed by French sculptor Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi
and built by Gustave Eiffel.

The statue was dedicated on 28 October 1886.


The demonic 'root' of magic which is thought obtained from associations
derived from the triangulation of number n(n+1)/2 as symbolic and an
alternate transposition applied to the Tetragrammaton of 'YHWH' and known
as the root of nature {A-U-M} or Tetractys, the 'Holy Four-fold Form'. That


YOD (10) AS 4(4+1)/2 = #10 {A = FIRE} +
YOD (10) + HE (5) AS 5(5+1)/2 = #15 {U = WATER} +
YOD (10) + HE (5) + VAV (6) AS 6(6+1)/2 = #21 {M = AIR} +
YOD (10) + HE (5) + VAV (6) + HE (5) = #26 AS ‘YHWH’ BEING NAME OF GOD AND

That former President Obama is as dense as ape-shit in his unrepentant
blasphemy as the ignorance personified depicted in the CNN’s propagandist
news item / video clip and is in no position to proffer any stern warning
for Trump who has no such lack of awareness of reality as the salient
sapient apperception.

Accordingly it may be rightly affirmed that the cause of humanity:

Black lives matter / White lives matter

Took no positive steps forward during the ineffectual 8 year term of
Obama’s Presidency and despite his racial / religious / cultural ancestry
which by nature accorded him an intrinsic entitlement to such
perspective—but alas the penny didn’t drop.

“Render to God that which is God’s and to Caesar that which is Caesar’s”



In microeconomics theorists have engaged the issue of bequest from the
perspective of consumption theory, in which they seek to explain the
phenomenon in terms of a bequest motive.

We have added another paragraph to our earlier narrative to re-enforce the
reality that our experience of religious belief is not disbelief nor
non-belief, but meritorious and anchored in coherent principles of
knowledge pragmatics since in “Christ is hid all the treasures of wisdom
and knowledge.” [Colossians 2:3 (KJV)]

That the “gift of God” was during that entire excruciating time simply
disdained and squandered as being of little or no consequence in the face
of his vain opinions which I rightfully and forthrightly condemn as not
only blasphemy but haughtily unrepentant.

When I am gone from this earth, my words will stand for eternity and hence
I have no time for that man...

- dolf

Initial Post: 14 January 2018

Private Street on the edge of the Central Business District dated 16th May,
2000 - This report is prepared in response to a TP00/55 as a Notice of an
Application for Planning Permit



Chinese HAN Dynasty (206 BCE - 220CE) Hexagon Trigrams to Tetragram
assignments proposed by Yang Hsiung (53BCE - 18CE) which by 4BCE
(translation published within English as first European language in 1993),
first appeared in draft form as a meta-thesis titled T'AI HSUAN CHING {ie.
Canon of Supreme Mystery} on Natural Divination associated with the theory
of number, annual seasonal chronology and astrology reliant upon the seven
visible planets as cosmological mother image and the zodiac.

It shows the ZIRAN as the DAO of NATURE / COURSE-trochos OF NATURE-genesis
[James 3:6] as HYPOSTATIS comprising #81 trinomial tetragrammaton x 4.5 day
= #364.5 day / year as HOMOIOS THEORY OF NUMBER which is an amalgam of the
64 hexagrams as binomial trigrams / 81 as trinomial tetragrammaton rather
than its encapsulated contrived use as the microcosm to redefine the
macrocosm as the quintessence of the Pythagorean [Babylonian] as binomial
canon of transposition as HETEROS THEORY OF NUMBER.


The Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities No. 43 of Act 2006 defines
a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING” and the question is, if it is permissible to
extend this definition to be a "PERSON MEANS A HUMAN BEING AS A CONSCIOUS

That my mathematical theoretical noumenon defines the meta-descriptor
prototypes which are prerequisite to the BEING of HOMO [iOS] SAPIEN [T] as

<http://www.grapple369.com/Grapple.zip> (Download resources)

After all the ENNEAD of THOTH and not the Roman Catholic Eucharist,
expresses an Anthropic Cosmological Principle which appears within its
geometric conception as being equivalent to the Pythagorean